The Garden Island


Mar 13(91.) First Circuit Court Notice and Notice to Creditors P. No. 1CLP-25-0000163 The Estate of Vicki J. L. Senador aka Vicki June Lei Senador, Deceased. Filed, a document purporting to be the last Will of the decedent, who died on August 19, 2023, together with an Application by Louie Von Senador whose address is c/o 1585 Kapiolani Blvd. #1200, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96814, praying for informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative. If any interested persons have an objection to the informal probate, they may file a petition for formal testacy proceedings, within forty (40) days after the date (...) (End Date: Apr 2) (p10)


Mar 27(92.) NOTICE OF CLEAN WATER BRANCH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PERMIT FOR PEARL HARBOR NAVAL SHIPYARD AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE FACILITY (PHNSY&IMF), CHLORINATION UNITS NPDES PERMIT NO. HI1120801 DOCKET NO. HI1120801 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD March 27, 2025 – April 25, 2025 The Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), Clean Water Branch (CWB), tentatively recommends to the Director of Health (Director) to renew a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to regulate and impose water pollution control requirements on the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (Facility, PHNSY&IMF) discharges from its chlorination units (CUs) to receiving State waters, subject to (...) (End Date: Apr 2) (p10)
Mar 27(93.) WASTEWATER SYSTEMS PUBLIC NOTICE OF VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. WW 875 DOCKET NO. 24 – VWW – 41 Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 342D-7(i), the State Department of Health (DOH) seeks written comments from interested person(s) regarding the following. Mr. Ryan Frederiksen has applied for a variance for the maximum of five (5) years from Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-62. Mr. Dennis Poma, P.E., ACSI Inc., is the authorized agent to act for the applicant. The variance request is for the construction of a new individual wastewater system to be installed at 609 Milokai Street, Kailua, Hawaii 96734 and TMK: (...) (End Date: Apr 2) (p10)
Mar 24(94.) WASTEWATER SYSTEMS PUBLIC NOTICE OF VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. WW 881 DOCKET NO. 25 – VWW – 06 Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 342D-7(i), the State Department of Health (DOH) seeks written comments from interested person(s) regarding the following. Mr. James A. Watkins has applied for a variance for the maximum of five (5) years from Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-62. Ms. Janyce Myrland of Dream House Drafting, Inc. is the authorized agent to act for the applicant. The variance request is for the continued use of an approved individual wastewater system at 59-742 Kamehameha Highway, Units B&C, Haleiwa, Hawaii (...) (End Date: Mar 30) (p10)
Mar 24(95.) LAHAINA BRANCH OPENING NOTICE American Savings Bank, F.S.B., Attn.: LGL, P. O. Box 2300, Honolulu, HI 96804-2300 ("ASB"), plans to open a new branch called "Lahaina Branch" at Lahaina Cannery Mall, 1221 Honoapiilani Highway, K-8, Lahaina, Hawaii, 96761, on April 28, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Anyone may submit written comments within thirty days of this notice to Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, West Region, Independence Plaza, 1050 17th St., Suite 1500, Denver, CO 80265 ("OCC"), with a copy to ASB at the address above. Public portions of the record of this event are available by (...) (End Date: Mar 30) (p10)


Mar 28(96.) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATING SERVICES PROCUREMENT. King Lunalilo Trust has issued RFP 2025-A for architectural and engineering and construction cost estimating services for a kupuna rentals project. Firms interested in the RFP should go to and also email to register interest in the RFP. (SA1488334 3/28, 3/31/25) (End Date: Apr 3) (p10)
Mar 25(97.) Public Promise Procurement MASTER AGREEMENT for ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES. Issue date: March 25, 2025 Proposals due: 2:00 PM EDST April 24, 2025 Request for Proposal: RFP-2025-019 Pre-proposal Conference: 10:00 AM EDST April 8, 2025 County of Broome, New York (the "Lead Public Agency"), on behalf of Public Promise Procurement, the members of the advisory committee and all local and state government agencies, higher education and nonprofit entities that elect to access the Master Agreement is soliciting proposals to enter into a Master Agreement for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment and Services. The resulting contract may be awarded to (...) (End Date: Mar 31) (p10)


Mar 27(98.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII To: SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE UNDER THE DOROTHY MARY MAE VIERRA REVOCABLE TRUST DATED MAY 17, 2016 You are hereby notified that Bank United N.A. ("Plaintiff"), has filed a Complaint for Mortgage Foreclosure; Exhibit "A"; HRS § 667-17 Affirmation and Original Note Declaration; Summons ("Complaint") against you in that action filed as Civil No. 1CC181001884 in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, seeking foreclosure of the real property located at 84-859 Lahaina Street, Waianae, HI 96792, Tax Map Key number 1-8-4-015-039-0000, in which (...) (End Date: Apr 23) (p10)
Mar 26(99.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII TO: PATRICIA SUZANNE COLLINS, INDIVIDUALLY AND PATRICIA SUZANNE COLLINS, TRUSTEE OF THE PATRICIA SUZANNE COLLINS REVOCABLE TRUST DATED 4/22/2010 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT MORTGAGE ASSETS MANAGEMENT, LLC, has commenced an action in Civ. No. 2CCV-23-0000013, against you in the above-entitled Court wherein said Plaintiff prays for judgment in the sum of $598,018.82 plus additional amounts due, and for foreclosure sale. The address of the property being foreclosed upon is: 2752 Kamehameha V Highway, Kaunakakai, Hawaii 96748 (TMK No. (2) 5-4-013-007-0000). YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED (...) (End Date: Apr 22) (p10)
Mar 13(100.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII SUMMONS STATE OF HAWAII To: WESTON RODNEY BROWN You are hereby notified that Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, as Trustee for the Benefit of the Freddie Mac Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2019-3 ("Plaintiff") has filed a Complaint for Mortgage Foreclosure; Exhibit "A"; Declaration of Custodian of Records for TMLF Hawaii LLLC; Exhibit "B"; HRS § 667-17 Affirmation; Summons ("Complaint") against you in that action filed as Civil No. 1CCV-23-0001084 in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, seeking foreclosure of the real property located (...) (End Date: Apr 9) (p10)
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