The Garden Island


Feb 20(1.) NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS Notice is hereby given that TJ Fitness, LLC, a Hawaii limited liability company (the "Company"), intends to terminate its existence and file Articles of Termination with the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs of the State of Hawaii. All claimants of the Company should present their claims to the Company at 159 Nelson St, Annandale, New South Wales 2038, Australia. Any claim presented must include the name and address of the claimant, the dollar amount of the claim, the date on which the obligation giving rise to the claim was incurred by the Company, and documentation supporting (...) (End Date: Mar 19) (p1)
Feb 20(2.) NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS Notice is hereby given that JC Fitness, LLC, a Hawaii limited liability company (the "Company"), intends to terminate its existence and file Articles of Termination with the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs of the State of Hawaii. All claimants of the Company should present their claims to the Company at 159 Nelson St, Annandale, New South Wales 2038, Australia. Any claim presented must include the name and address of the claimant, the dollar amount of the claim, the date on which the obligation giving rise to the claim was incurred by the Company, and documentation supporting (...) (End Date: Mar 19) (p1)