The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001016563-01
Notices of Availability

Notice of Availability Name of Applicant or Proposing Agency: United States Army Garrison, Hawaii Name of Project: Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact for Protecting Endangered Oahu Elepaio Using Rodenticide within Schofield Barracks Military Reservation Project Summary: Pursuant to Council on Environmental Quality regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act, the U.S. Army Garrison, Hawaii (USAG-HI) gives notice that a Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (Draft FNSI) have been prepared to assess the potential impacts associated with Protecting Endangered Oahu Elepaio Using Rodenticide within Schofield Barracks Military Reservation. USAG-HI proposes to conduct the broadscale distribution of rodenticide within Lihue Management Unit on Schofield Barracks to control rat populations and protect endangered Oahu elepaio and other endangered plants and animals as required by the 2003 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion. No significant impacts are anticipated. Impacts are anticipated to be minimized through avoidance and implementation of best management practices (BMPs). Avoidance results from selecting an area already closed to public entry and enclosed by ungulate-proof fencing, and by maintaining an application buffer around surface waters. BMPs include scheduling operations to avoid heavy precipitation events and using licensed applicators. Army Natural Resources Program and U.S. Department of Agriculture National Wildlife Research Center managers will monitor the bait application rate, the bate availability period, bait condition, water quality, nontarget species health, and the effectiveness of the Proposed Action. The SEA presents the purpose, need, and description of the Proposed Action and assesses the potential environmental consequences of implementing the Proposed Action and the No Action Alternative. The SEA concludes that neither the Proposed Action nor the No Action Alternative result in any significant direct, indirect, or cumulative adverse impacts on the natural or human environment. Copies of the SEA and Draft FNSI are available for public review at the following public libraries: Hawaii State Library, Waialua Public Library, Waianae Public Library, and Wahiawa Public Library. Copies can also be obtained by contacting Dave Fluetsch, NEPA Coordinator, via email at or online at Written comments will be received and considered for 30 days following publication of this notice (8 August 7 September 2017), and should be directed to the email address above, or mailed to: Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division (IMHW-PWE), Attn: Dave Fluetsch, 947 Wright Avenue, Wheeler Army Airfield, Schofield Barracks, HI 96857-5013. (SA1016563 8/8/17)