The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001353787-01
Dissolve Corporations


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all claimants or creditors of UROLOGY CARE INC., a dissolved Hawaii professional corporation, that the Articles of Dissolution will be filed with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs of the State of Hawaii pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes §414-382. All claimants should send their written claims to the corporation c/o NAOMI COLE, at the following mailing address 1088 Bishop Street Suite 1217, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, describing the following: (i) claimant’s name and address, (ii) claimant’s contact person, (iii) date and amount of the claim, and (iv) whether the claim is liquidated or unliquidated. All claims not so presented shall be forever barred unless, the claimant commences proceedings to enforce his, her or its claim within five (5) years after the publication of this notice pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes §414-387.
(SA1353787 12/20/21)