The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001343780-01
Public Notices

Five-Year Review for Schofield Barracks, Hawaii

The Army is initiating the fifth five-year review for Operable Unit (OU)s: OU2 and OU4 located on Oahu, Hawaii. The Army, with oversight by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9, and Hawaii Department of Health, is conducting this five-year review as required by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund) and the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan.

The purpose of this five-year review is to determine whether the selected remedy at a site remains protective of human health and the environment. If there are issues that impact the remedial actions’ protectiveness, the five-year review report will provide recommendations to address them.

The selected remedy outlined in the 1996 Record of Decision for OU2 included air stripping and long-term monitoring of groundwater. The selected remedy outlined in the 1996 Record of Decision for OU4 included repairing and maintaining the former landfill’s cap, long-term monitoring of groundwater and landfill gas, and land use controls (LUCs). Landfill gas monitoring was discontinued in 2007. LUCs for OU4 include access restrictions, site security, and maintenance of the fence around the former landfill.

The fifth Schofield Barracks five-year review report is anticipated to be completed in September 2022. The final report will be available in the administrative records located at:

Mililani Public Library Wahiawa Public Library
95-450 Makaimoimo St 820 California Ave
Mililani, HI 96789 Wahiawa, HI 96786

Should members of the community have questions or comments about the Schofield Barracks five-year review or interest in additional site information, please contact:

Paul Smith
MMRP/IRP Program Manager
948 Santos Dumont Ave., Bldg 105
(SA1343780 10/24/21)