Public Notice Attention all Publishers of tourism related publications whose product(s) are currently distributed at the Honolulu International Airport and any interested publishers who desire to have their publication(s) distributed at the Honolulu International Airport. Effective Feb 1, 2018, the Hawaii Department of Transportation will no longer manage Tourism Publication racks at the Honolulu International Airport. Clear Channel Airports has been awarded an Advertising Concession Contract at the Honolulu International Airport which includes managing all racks which contain Tourism Publication materials. The Advertising Concession Contract states that Clear Channel Airports is required to charge a fee for the placement and display of tourism materials on the Tourism Publication racks. Clear Channel Airport has sub-contracted with Oahu Publications Inc. to manage the Tourism Publications racks. As part of its sub-contract, Oahu Publications will charge and collect the fees from the publishers/companies who utilize rack pockets for their tourism publications, and for the storage of Tourism Publication materials. To ensure that all publishers/companies have a fair and equal opportunity to obtain pockets on the racks at the Honolulu International Airport, Oahu Publications Inc. will be conducting two impartial lotteries for the right to select and rent pockets for tourism related publication(s) on the Tourism Publication racks at the Honolulu International Airport. To be eligible to participate in a lottery, each publisher/company is required to complete and submit a registration form by Jan 2, 2018 For more information on the fee for pocket program or to receive a registration packet, contact: Lester Kodama at: or (808) 479-4698. (SA1054564 12/8/17)