The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001044041-01
Notices of Availability

Notice of Availability Name of Applicant or Proposing Agency: United States Army Garrison, Hawai’i and United States Army Garrison, Pohakuloa Name of Project: Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact for the implementation of U.S. Army Garrison, Hawai’i and U.S. Army Garrison, Pohakuloa Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plans. Project Summary: Pursuant to the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act, the US Army Garrison, Hawaii (USAG-HI) gives notice that an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) has been prepared to assess the potential impacts associated with implementing the Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plans (ICRMPs) for USAG-HI and United States Army Garrison, Pohakuloa (USAG- Pohakuloa). USAG-HI and USAG-Pohakuloa propose to implement the ICRMPs to manage cultural resources in compliance with Federal rules and regulations and in accordance with established practices of cultural resources management. The ICRMPs include goals and objectives for addressing specific cultural resources management needs and prioritize education and coordination with the many other activities that may interact with cultural resources on USAG-HI and USAG-Pohakuloa managed lands. The EA presents the purpose, need, and description of the Proposed Action and assesses the potential environmental consequences of implementing the Proposed Action and the No Action Alternative. Based on the information analyzed, the EA concludes that neither the Proposed Action nor the No Action Alternative result in any significant direct, indirect, or cumulative adverse impacts on the natural or human environment. Copies of the ICRMPs with the EA and Draft FNSI are available for public review at the following public libraries: Hawaii State Library, Waianae Public Library, Waialua Public Library, Mililani Public Library, Wahiawa Public Library, Hilo Public Library, Kailua-Kona Public Library, and Waimea Public Library. Copies can also be obtained by contacting Lisa Graham, NEPA Program Manager, via email at or online at Written comments will be received and considered for 30 days following publication of this notice (November 8 to December 7, 2017) and should be directed to the email address above or mailed to: Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division (IMHW-PWE), Attn: Lisa Graham, 947 Wright Avenue, Wheeler Army Airfield, Schofield Barracks, HI 96857-5013. (SA/HTH/WHT1044041 11/8/17)