PUBLIC NOTICE______ NOTICE OF FIVE-YEAR REVIEW TRIPLER ARMY MEDICAL CENTER LANDFILL SITE-02 The U.S. Army is initiating the second Five-Year Review (FYR) for the Tripler Army Medical Center Landfill Site-02 (TAMC-02), which was used from approximately 1947-1974. The FYR is being conducted to meet the requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980. It will evaluate the implementation and performance of site remedies to determine if they remain protective of human health and the environment. The remedies for TAMC-02 were selected in a 2008 decision document. They include: installation of a landfill cap; improvements to the Moanalua Stream channel; monitoring of groundwater; and maintenance of the landfill cap and stream channel. Based on trends in groundwater contaminant concentrations indicating levels below screening criteria, groundwater monitoring was discontinued in 2013. However, groundwater at TAMC-02 cannot be used as a drinking water source as long as waste material remains at the site. A review of the selected remedy with regard to protection of human health and the environment will be included in the FYR Report. The report for this FYR will be reviewed by the Hawaii Department of Health. It will also be made available to the public after finalization in September 2018. Questions about the FYR or requests for information can be submitted to: Ms. Carrie Nelson USAG-HI Directorate of Public Works (DPW) 948 Santos Dumont Avenue Building 105, 3rd Floor, WAAF Schofield Barracks, HI 96857-5013 808-656-3092 (SA1023664 9/6/17)