NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION PUNAHOU AQUATICS INSTITUTE a Hawaii nonprofit corporation Notice is hereby given that Punahou Aquatics Institute, a Hawaii nonprofit corporation was dissolved on July 31, 2017. All creditors of the corporation are hereby notified to present their claims in writing to: Joseph A. Dane, Chun Kerr LLP, 999 Bishop Street, Suite 2100, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. The written claim must include (1) claimant’s full legal name; (2) a summary description and amount of the claim; (3) the date the claim arose; and (4) contact information, including claimant’s address and telephone number. Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes § 414D-247, any claim against the corporation will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within five years after the publication date of this notice. (SA1015037 8/22/17)