NOTICE OF PROPOSED WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PERMIT FOR PUNALUU WELLS II: PART B – STATION RENOVATION PUNALUU, ISLAND OF OAHU NPDES PERMIT NO. HI 0021903 DOCKET NO. HI 0021903 July 19, 2017 The State Department of Health (DOH) tentatively proposes to issue a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to discharge hydrotesting water effluent from the Punaluu Wells II: Part B – Station Renovation project site, to receiving State waters, subject to special conditions to: BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY 630 SOUTH BERETANIA STREET HONOLULU, HAWAII 96843 The proposed permit for the new discharge will expire five (5) years from the date of issuance. The project is located in the vicinity of Haleaha Road and Koolau Road, Punaluu, Island of Oahu, TMKs:(1) 5-3-009:003 and (1) 5-3-006:076 and as shown in the application, dated June 21, 2017. A total of 6 well sites will be upgraded. The purpose of the project is to hydrotest the integrity of newly installed water lines under pressure, flush any sediment and debris accumulated within the water lines during construction, and disinfect the interior of the water lines to meet applicable drinking water quality standards. The permittee is responsible for the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of the Hydrotesting Best Management Practice (BMPs) Plan to ensure that hydrotesting activities will not cause or contribute to a violation of HAR, Chapter 11-54, Chapter 11-55, and Chapter 11-55, Appendix F. Board of Water Supply (BWS) requests to discharge hydrotesting effluent from the proposed construction site. A Hydrotesting BMPs Plan will be implemented to minimize the discharge of erosion and other pollutants from entering receiving State waters. BWS has certified that they will comply with all requirements in HAR, Chapter 11-55, Appendix F, and their Hydrotesting BMPs Plan was prepared in accordance with HAR, Chapter 11-55, Appendix F. The receiving waters, Papaakoko Stream and Halehaa Stream are classified by the DOH as Class 2, Inland Waters. Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed NPDES permit or to request a public hearing, should submit their comments or requests in writing no later than 30 calendar days after the date of this notice, either in person or by mail, to: Clean Water Branch Environmental Management Division Department of Health 919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 301 Honolulu, HI 96814-4920 Copies of the proposed public notice permit and other information are available for public inspection, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 7:45 a.m. until 4:15 p.m., at the DOH office address shown above and the WPC Viewer located at: Copies may be bought. The public notice permit and rationale are also available on the internet at: and on the WPC Viewer located at: For more information or if you have special needs due to disability that will aid you in inspecting and/or commenting on the public notice permit and related information, please contact Mr. Darryl Lum, Supervisor of the Engineering Section, at the above address or (808) 586-4309 (Voice) at least seven (7) calendar days before the comment deadline. For those who use a TTY/TDD, please call through Sprint Relay Hawaii, at 1-711 or 1-877-447-5991. All written comments and requests received on time will be considered. If DOH determines that there is significant public interest, a public hearing may be held after at least 30 calendar days of public notice. If DOH’s position is substantially unchanged after considering all timely written comments and all oral comments at any public hearing that may be held, then the DOH will issue the NPDES permit and this action will be final. Please notify anyone you know who would be interested in this matter. VIRGINIA PRESSLER, M.D. Director of Health (SA1010035 7/19/17)