NOTICE OF PROPOSED WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PERMIT FOR NAVFAC HAWAII WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM (JBPHH), ISLAND OF OAHU NPDES PERMIT NO. HI 0110086 DOCKET NO. HI 0110086 August 16, 2017 The Department of Health (DOH) tentatively proposes to reissue a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, including a Zone of Mixing (ZOM), to discharge secondary treated wastewaters to Mamala Bay and storm water runoff to Pearl Harbor, subject to certain effluent limitations and special conditions to: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVY REGION HAWAII 850 TICONDEROGA STREET, SUITE 110 JBPHH, HAWAII 96860 The proposed permit and Zone of Mixing (ZOM) for the existing discharge will expire five (5) years from the effective date of the permit. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Hawaii (NAVFAC HI) Wastewater Treatment Plant (facility) is located near the entrance to Pearl Harbor on the south shore of Oahu. The facility provides advanced secondary wastewater treatment for the JBPHH Complex including Ford Island; the Ship Wastewater Collection Ashore Abatement System; U.S. Marine Corps Base, Camp Smith, Hawaii Air National Guard; and Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard military family housing units. The facility’s dry weather design flow capacity is 13 million gallons per day (MGD); peak flow capacity is 30 MGD. Wastewater treatment at the facility includes: headworks to screen raw wastewater; primary clarifiers; aeration/anoxic tanks; secondary clarifiers; traveling bridge sand filters; and ultraviolet disinfection facilities. Solids handling at the facility includes: dissolved air floatation sludge thickeners; anaerobic digesters; and centrifuges to reduce water content of the digested and thickened sludge prior to disposal offsite. Treated effluent is discharged through a 42-inch diameter deep ocean outfall, approximately 13,000 feet long, at a depth of approximately 150 feet. The discharge is through a 650 foot long diffuser into Mamala Bay through Outfall Serial No. 001, at Latitude 21° 17’41"N and Longitude 157° 57’06"W. Storm water associated with industrial activity from the facility is discharged into Pearl Harbor through Outfall Serial No. 002 at Latitude 21° 19’37"N and Longitude 157° 57’52"W. The receiving waters include the Mamala Bay, which is designated as a Class A, Open Coastal Marine Water under Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Section 11-54-6(b)(2)(B), and Pearl Harbor, which is designated as a Class 2, Inland Water and Estuary under HAR Section 11-54-5.1(b)(3). Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed NPDES permit or to request a public hearing, should submit their comments or requests in writing no later than 30 calendar days after the date of this notice, either in person or by mail, to: Clean Water Branch Environmental Management Division Department of Health 919 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 301 Honolulu, HI 96814-4920 Copies of the proposed public notice permit and other information are available for public inspection, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 7:45 a.m. until 4:15 p.m., at the DOH office address shown above and on the WPC viewer located at: Copies may be bought. The public notice permit and rationale are also available on the internet at: and on the WPC viewer located at: For more information or if you have special needs due to disability that will aid you in inspecting and/or commenting on the public notice permit and related information, please contact Mr. Darryl Lum, Supervisor of the Engineering Section, Clean Water Branch, at the above address or (808) 586-4309 (Voice) at least seven (7) calendar days before the comment deadline. For those who use a TTY/TDD, please call through Sprint Relay Hawaii, at 1 711 or 1-877-447-5991. All comments and requests received on time will be considered. If DOH determines that there is significant public interest, a public hearing may be held after at least 30 calendar days of public notice. If DOH’s position is substantially unchanged after considering all timely written comments and all oral comments at any public hearing that may be held, then the DOH will issue the NPDES permit and this action will be final. Please notify anyone you know who would be interested in this matter. VIRGINIA PRESSLER, M.D. Director of Health (SA989802 8/16/17)