SUZEL LEIALOHA PANEE HO October 7, 1936–September 17, 2019 Dear Mom, Grandma, Suzel: It has been five years since you left us. At times, it seems like an eternity; at other moments, it was just yesterday. Nevertheless, we think and speak of you often, if not every day. When we visit places old and new, we always imagine your presence. When it is meal time, we reminisce about your servings, festive as well as every-day ones. When we confront an issue, we rely on the counsel which you had previously given to us or we arrive at a solution in which we believe you would have advocated. In short, we miss you very, very much but you are still with us. We are grateful that you are in a much better place free of the turmoil and heartlessness that are present on Earth. “LOVE YOU!” Rest in Peace. |