Notice of Foreclosure 91-299 Hanapouli Circle # 1E Ewa Beach, HI 96706 "Sun Rise" Deutsche Bank National Trust Co vs. Lawrence Randall Suzanne Celeste Carter et al Civil NO. 09-1-1612-07 TMK: (1) 9 1 061 041 0005, 2 BR, 2BA, 811 sq ft Condominium, 2 parking spaces # E/ 263, Built 1993 OPEN HOUSES: Saturday July 29, 2017 2-5pm Sunday July 30, 2017 2-5pm AUCTION: Monday July 31,2017 12:00 Noon Kaahumanu Hale (Circuit Court Bldg) 777 Punchbowl St Honolulu, HI TERMS of SALE: No UPSET Price. Property sold in "as is" condition to the highest bidder, Ten (10%) of highest bid payable in cash, certified or cashier’s check at close of auction. Balance payable upon delivery of title. Potential bidders must be able to provide proof of their ability to comply with10% of bid requirement prior to participating in the public auction. Purchaser shall pay all closing costs including escrow fees, conveyance and recordation fees and shall be responsible for securing possession. Real property taxes should be prorated as of delivery of the documents transferring title. SALE SUBJECT TO COURT CONFIRMATION. For further information call Pat Ferraris, Commissioner, P.O. Box # 920 Waialua, HI 96791. Phone 808-735-7001, Email: (SA1014951 7/26/17)