MELVIN MEL ITO 70, of Wahiawa, Hawaii died in Pali Momi Medical Center, on April 25, 2017. He was born in Wahiawa. Retired from theBus. He was an avid golfer and a frequent fixture at Ted Makalena Golf Course. He is survived by his wife, Faith, his son Michael, his daughter, Jennifer (Bert) Hikichi, his mom, Chiyoko, his brothers, Ronald and Eric, his sisters, Deborah (Kenny) Estores, Karen (Alan) Pa’ahana, and Barbara (J.T) Tatem, and 5 grandchildren, Lauren, Joshua, Mitchell, Kiara, and Alexsis. Visitation: 5:30 pm; Service: 6:00pm at Mililani Mortuary, Mauka Chapel. Casual attire, no flowers please.