To: Heirs and Assigns of Emillo Garvida; Nellie Go; Olivio Garvida; Roque Garvida; Delicio Convida; Pola Agrepa; Sally Agrepa; Lilia Agrepa; Helen Agrepa; Alexander Agrepa; Ligiya Agrepa; Loyda Garvida; Janette Garvida; Rolando Garvida; Sylvia Garvida; Lyndon Garvida; Heirs and Assigns of Rufino Calvan; Heirs and Assigns of Aurora Calban; Heirs and Assigns of Benigno Calban; Arthur Balite; William Balite; Joselito Balite; Heirs And Assigns of Corazon Balite; Tessie Balite; Christopher Balite; Lianie Balite; Roger Balite; Bernardo Balite; Heirs and Assigns of Caridad Balite Crisologo; Demedria Calban Ruiz; Drodea Calban; Generosa Calban; Hector Calban; Heirs and Assigns of Tarcila C. Javier; Heirs and Assigns of Gaspara Calban; Heirs and persons named above who are deceased, or persons holding under said Heirs, and spouses, assigns, successors, personal representatives, executors, administrators, and trustees of persons named above who are deceased
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that Kyle Ubasa, Plaintiff, has filed a First Amended Complaint in Civil No. 1CCV-22-0001222 (GWBC), wherein Plaintiff prays for partition by sale, special damages, consequential damages, restitution, declaratory relief, interest, attorney’s fees and costs, and for such other relief as the Court may determine to be just, against you in the above-entitled court.
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the courtroom of the Honorable Gary W.B. Chang, Judge of the above-entitled Court, at Kaahumanu Hale, 777 Punchbowl Street, 4th Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813, on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at 9:00 o’clock, A.M. (HST), or to file an answer or other pleading and serve it before said day upon Plaintiff’s attorney Ryan G. S. Au, whose address is 1164 Bishop Street #1705, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the First Amended Complaint.
Dated: Honolulu, Hawaii: January 3, 2023
/s/ Anjelica Barker
Clerk of the above-entitled Court
(SA1396905 1/06, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27/23)