The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001390297-01
Public Auctions

Notice of Public Auction

In accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 507-70 (Self Storage Facilities), notice is hereby
given that the undersigned will sell at public sale beginning on the 28th day of October online at Proceeds will be used to offset the unpaid rent, storage fees and costs of sale owed to Ohana Self Storage located at 348 Puuhale Road Hon. HI 96819. The following is a brief description of property that may be sold: tools, clothing, camping gear, furniture, collectibles, and other such effects of household nature. All purchased items are SOLD AS IS. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Glenn Doty $545.30; Teri Condra $787.72; Teri Condra $871.96; Teri Condra $776.16, Aldrich Cubangbang $587.65; Hethon Elky $1646.68; Aaron P Keenan $587.65; Aaron P Keenan $587.65; Bernard Louis $597.65; Aifan Onamwar $581.95; Rengka R Rewein $612.11; Karles Richart $467.24.
(SA1390297 10/19, 10/26/22)