The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001355653-01
Funeral Notices


Amy was born on June 25, 1929 at 12:40 AM to the parents of SOSHICHI & JUMU (FUJINAKA) SHINOZUKA the fourth of five children (Ken, Naoki, Osame, Akiko,). Mom grew up in a plantation camp in Puukolii, Maui, when days were simpler. Everyone had a victory garden, wood burning stove to cook on, and an outhouse to do your business. Everyone had a huge mango or avocado tree, and when they were in season no could sleep because there would be thunderous boomings throughout the night as the ripened fruit would fall upon the steel roofing. It was a time when Maui was very small, everyone knew everybody on the island. A time when people didn’t have to lock their front doors, left their keys in the cars ignition and trust was practiced and not just a word. It was a time when everything was pure and good. It was like everyone had a Guardian Angel over their shoulder protecting them from the rigors of life.

Upon graduating from Lahainaluna High School mom ventured onto Oahu to further her education at a business college. Coming from a small plantation town with little money, mom was able to qualify for student aid where she was placed with a well to do Chinese family that took care of her. It was with this Chinese family that she learned her first Chinese term…."YA PONG CHAI", meaning Japanese.

Mom graduated as a stenographer at a time when jobs were hard to come by, especially jobs with the state or should I say Territory of Hawaii, but mom interviewed with the state director of personnel, a Lahaina boy named Mr. Ukauka and got a job at the state hospital in 1949. Mom, being the determined woman that she was, had to catch the bus from town to get to work in Kaneohe. As an encouragement to maintain hospital staff, the State hospital aided her in getting housing on hospital grounds. Luckily, mom’s roommate was the cafeteria manager. She never starved. It seems mom’s Guardian Angel was still at her side.

Mom met dad by chance through a friend when they were visiting the Honolulu zoo. Dad just happened to be there at the same time. Mom wasn’t sure if this chance encounter was a coincidence or set up? She remembers when dad was courting her, dad would sometimes pick her up in his hot rod, alerting everyone of his arrival by the loud rumblings of his car. As you’ve figured out by now, mom had guts.

In 1957, Dad and mom bought their Kaneohe home where they raised their four children, Linda, Kalfred, Carole, and Wesley. Life was tough back then, having to work at the State Hospital and raising a family. But mom was the calming force in the family, never raising her voice at us even though we deserved it.

Mom had one handicap and that was never getting her drivers license. Dad’s impatience trying to teach her was leaving mom frustrated. Mom’s frustration was taken out on the car door handle as she exited the car tearing the door handle right off the door. Mom never got her drivers license although she was an excellent backseat driver.

After mom retired from the state hospital, mom did volunteer work at Castle Memorial Hospital, spreading her infectious smile onto everyone. If that wasn’t enough, Mom finally had time to take up Hawaiian quilting as a hobby. It was her mission to create something enduring for her children. Thus, she got proficient enough to create a quilted bedspread for the four of us. Mission Accomplished!

Mom passed on 11/20/21. She was predeceased by Alfred, her husband of 67 years and daughter, Carole. Mom is survived by her three children, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Now she and dad are together again with her Guardian Angel at her side, looking down at us telling dad they’ve lived a blessed life. I’m sure mom is once again being the expert back seat driver that she always was, whispering in dad’s ear what to do, where to go, and who to see.

Private services were held. No koden.

Arrangements Provided By: Hosoi Garden Mortuary