The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001350280-01
Court Notices

First Circuit Court Notice

P. No. 1CLP-21-0000830

Estate of Ming Kuang Wang,

Filed, Petition of Robyn Hui-Min Wang, alleging intestacy of said decedent and asking that Robyn Hui-Min Wang whose address is c/o 841 Bishop St., #1710, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, be appointed Personal Representative of said Estate, Thursday, JAN 27 2022 at 9:00 a.m. before the presiding Judge in Probate at 777 Punchbowl St., in Honolulu, Hawaii, is the appointed date, time and place for hearing said petition and all interested persons.
DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, NOV 1 2021.

Clerk of the Above-Entitled Court

Attorney for Petitioner
(SA1350280 11/19, 11/26, 12/3/21)