The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001349259-01
Notices to Bidders

Open Bid Invitation [Security Service]

The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Honolulu is issuing an invitation
for bids to qualified contractors interested in the following project:
1. Description: Security Services at the Korean Consulate General in Honolulu
2. Expected Contract Period: Jan 1st 2022 ~ Dec 31st 2022
* If the building is moved during this period, the contract is terminated.
3. Expected Service Hours and date: 08:15 ~ 16:15 during weekdays
4. Expected Amount Range: Under $57,000.00
5. Registration and Proposal Due: Nov 19th 2021 Friday by 11:59 p.m.(HST)
For details, please visit our website at or contact us via, or 808-595-6109 (ext. 20)
(SA1349259 11/12/21)