The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001349072-01
Public Auctions

NOTICE OF LIEN SALE STORQUEST SELF STORAGE StorQuest Self Storage will sell at public sale by competitive bidding the personal property of: Farrington – 94-299 Farrington Hwy – The Lawrence and Hokulani De Rego Foundation $1,551.80, Jency Samuel $603.67, Sharleen K Heanu $490.41 & Jocelyn Kamaka $349.63. Moonui – 1334 Moonui St. – Stuart Crawford $354.55, Charles Watson $236.57, Deanna Thyssen $372.76, Roma Gamatero $410.98, Jolane Josiah $73.98, Lisa Mei Ling Chang $583.35 & Lisa Mei Ling Chang $722.81. Kaka’ako – 850 Kawaiahao St. 4th Floor – Zeke Magness $451.02, Sungil Yo $251.30 & Jonathan Rego $378.11. Kalihi – 750 Umi St.Silvester Meitou $477.20, Ellie-Louise Mua’e $185.35, Joseph Juan $605.18 & Justina Nupeiset $281.41. Property to be sold: Misc. household goods, furniture, tools, clothes, boxes, toys and personal content. Sale will commence at 10:00 AM on November 19, 2021 until 10:00 AM on November 23, 2021 at Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Cheryl Agustin, Alyson Goodness, Alyx Vasconcellos & Orlando Eugenio, Property Managers
(SA1349072 11/9, 11/16/21)