The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001343690-01
Notices to Creditors

NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF GRACE TENGAN NAKAMATSU, DECEASED, OF HER ESTATE, AND OF THE GRACE TENGAN NAKAMATSU REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 31, 2018. Grace Tengan Nakamatsu (“Decedent”) died on June 27, 2021, in Honolulu, Hawaii. All creditors of the Decedent, the Decedent’s estate, and the Grace Tengan Nakamatsu Revocable Living Trust are hereby notified to present their claims with proper vouchers or duly authenticated copies thereof, even if the claim is secured by mortgage upon real estate, to Tammy L. K. Nakamatsu, as successor trustee of said trust c/o Naomi C. Fujimoto, Attorney at Law, 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1550, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, within four months from the date of the first publication of this notice or they will be forever barred. DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, September 23, 2021. Naomi C. Fujimoto, Attorney for Successor Trustee.
(SA1343690 9/28, 10/5, 10/12/21)