The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001132550-01
Notices to Contractors


SEALED BIDS will be received up to and publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 pm, Monday, October 15, 2018, in the office of Architects Hawaii Ltd. (AHL), 733 Bishop Street, Suite 3100, Honolulu, HI, 96813, for the following project:


The work shall generally consist of furnishing labor and materials required to construct a 3-story addition to an existing health clinic and demolition of small shelter on adjacent parking lot, and restriping of adjacent parking lot. The work consists of, but not limited to, selective demolition, concrete, structural steel, unit masonry, finish carpentry, EIFS, doors and windows, finish flooring, painting, specialties, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, landscape and site work.

Proposal documents may be obtained by eligible bidders from AHL’s office with a deposit of FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00) per set, by check made payable to AHL. The deposit shall be refunded upon the return of the plans and specifications, provided they are returned intact and in good condition within fifteen (15) days following the date designated for opening of bids. No refunds shall be made after the expiration of such period.

The project will be funded under Title I of the Housing & Community Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-383). Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable current State and Federal labor standards in effect at the time the contract is executed.

To be eligible to bid, prospective bidders must give written notice of their intention to bid. Bidders shall be licensed in accordance with Chapter 444, HRS, relating to the licensing of contractors. Such written notice must be e-mailed to, or mailed, sufficiently ahead of time to be received by AHL NO later than 4:30 pm, on Friday, October 5, 2018.

A pre-bid conference and walkthrough of the job site will be held promptly at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 26, 2018. Interested bidders shall meet at the jobsite. No other time for site inspection will be scheduled or allowed.

All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security for the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the bid amount.

Bidders attention is directed to Act 352, SLH 1997, related to the requirement for tax clearances from the State Department of Taxation and Internal Revenue Service, as a prerequisite to entering into contract and upon final payment of the contract.

Qualified small and minority business firms, firms owned by women, and Section 3 firms are encouraged to apply.

Emmanuel Kintu, CEO & Executive Director
Kalihi Palama Health Center
(SA1132550 9/14, 9/21/18)