The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001473221-01

CASE NUMBER (Numero del Caso)

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (AVISO AL DEMANDADO); BERNICE S. MOCKBEE, and the testate and intestate successors of BERNICE S. MOCKBEE, believed to be deceased, and all persons claiming by, through, or under such Defendant and all persons unknown, claiming any legal or equitable right, title, estate, lien or interest in the property described in the complaint adverse to Plaintiff’s title or any cloud on Plaintiff’s title thereto.


Beginning at a point in the Westerly line of 16th Street, distant thereon North 19° 30′ East, 308.5 feet from the Northerly line of North “B” Street, as said 16th Street and said North “B” Street are shown upon the official plat of: part of Sacramento City lying between 10th Street and 25th Street, “A” Street and the American River, recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Sacramento, April 24, 1860, in Book 1 of Maps, map No. 8; thence North 70° 30′ West, along the Southerly line of that certain .541 acre parcel of land described in deed dated May 11, 1925, from Edward A. Meister, et al., to Central Pacific; Railway Company recorded May 20, 1925, in Book 20 of Official Records, page 48, records of said County, a distance of 378.65 feet: to a point; thence continuing Westerly along said Southerly line of said .541 acre parcel of land described in said deed dated May 1, 1925, on the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 169.34 feet, (the chord of said curve bears South 88° 59 20″ West, 118.67 feet) an arc distance, of 121.24 feet to a point, thence Easterly on the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 183.03 fee, (the chord of; said curve boars North 86° 01; 29″ East, 145.82. feet) an arc distance of 149.98 feet to a point in a line that is parallel with and distant 16.50 feet Northeasterly, measured at right angles from said Southerly line of said .541 acre parcel of land described in said deed dated May 1, 1925; thence South 70° 30′ East, along said parallel, line 356.04 feet to a point in the Westerly line of 16th Street; thence South 19° 30′ West, along said Westerly line of 16th Street, 16.50 feet to the point of beginning. APN: a portion of 001-0151-002
You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below.
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form If you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center ( your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on lime, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court.
There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association.
NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more In a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case.
¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea fa información a continuación.
Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que le entreauen esta citación y papeles legsles para presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer qua se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamads telefonica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrlto tiene que estar en formato legal correcfo si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posibte que hays un formulario que usted pueda user para su respuesta.
Puede encontrar estos formularios de la carte y más información en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Califomia (, en la bibfioteca de /eyes de su condado o en la corte que le queda más cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretarlo de la corle que le dé un formulario de exenclón de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede denrder el caso por incumplimiento y la carte le podrá quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más advertencia.
Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, pueda llamar a un servicio de remisión a ebogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es poslble que cumpla con los requisites para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de servlcios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitlo web de California Legal Services, (, en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, ( o poniéndose en contacto con Is corle o el colegio de abogados locales. AV/SO: Por ley, la corte tieme derecho a reclamar as cuotas y las costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sabre cualquier recuperación de $10,000 ó más de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesión de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la carte puede desechar el caso.
The name and address of the court is (El nombre y dirección de la corte es); Sacramento County Superior Court, 720 Ninth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is (El nombre, la dirección y el número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es) K. Greg Peterson, a Prof. Law Corp., 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 325, Sacramento, CA 95814—(916) 433-3010
(Fecha) May 22, 2023
NA, Clerk (Secretario) by NA, Deputy (Adjunto)
(SA1473221 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/06/25)