Henry “Hanale” Chang, age 61, passed away in Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday, October 22, 2022. Born in 1961 in Hana on the island of Maui in Hawai’i, he was the sixth of eight children of Genevieve and Roland Chang. Henry is survived by his wife, Mary Ann, by his two sons, Ryan (Chang) Nyitray and Brandon (Grace) Chang and grandchildren, Harvey and Calla Chang, who reside in Michigan, and by his stepdaughter, Chivon (Chris) Flynn and step granddaughters, Rylin and Hanna Flynn, who reside in Texas. He is also survived by six siblings: Barbara Ann (Ronald) Rico, Hyland (Evelyn) Chang, Cindy Garcia, Barry Chang, Paula (Elliot Hatico) Chang and Marcia (Curtis) DeLima, who all reside in Hawai’i. Henry was preceded in death by his parents, Roland and Genevieve Chang, and his infant sister, Mary Chang.
Funeral services for Henry Chang will be held on Your smile and caring kindred spirit are missed by all. |