The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001397476-01
Public Auctions

StorQuest Self Storage located at 94-299 Farrington Hwy. Waipahu will sell at public sale by competitive bidding the personal property of Karen Lim $665.30, Karen Lim $587.08, Karen Lim $723.83 & Tuuaina Toafia $219.89. Kaka’ako – 850 Kawaiahao St. – Andrea Kamaka $202.65, Fernando Dasilva $139.70, Theodore J Stepp $124.52, Nolen Patterson $171.56, Sherry Vidmar $114.05 & Christopher Toombs $434.11. Moonui – 1334 Moonui St. – Phillip Leonard $491.34, Loreto Hufana $149.61, Rana Reynold $129.55, Ryan Hoke $331.20, Nathan Llanos $189.66, Julia Ann Soares $248.03, Toshiaki Miura $402.48, Michael Franzenburg Jr. $105.06 & Philip Llamas $192.50. Umi – 750 Umi St. – Francy Albert $234.89, Frank Lujan $1,547.38, Juanito A Dasigo $455.24, Andrea Lucia Gonzales $636.92 & Cindy Finiiray $173.41. Property to be sold: Misc. household goods, furniture, tools, clothes, boxes, toys, and personal content. The sale will commence at 10:00 AM on December 23, 2022, until 10:00 AM on December 27, 2022, at Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between the owner and the obligated party. Alyson Goodness, Cheryl Agustin, Orlando Eugenio & Suzanne Okimoto, Property Managers.
(SA197476 12/13, 12/20/22)