The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001356706-01
Notices to Creditors


Estate and Trust of Leonora I. Endrina, Deceased

Leonora I. Endrina died on 6 Dec 2021. This Notice is made by Tanya I. Endrina-Key, whose address is 86-181 Moelima Pl, Waianae, HI 96792.
All creditors of the above-named decedent, her estate and/or her Trust are hereby notified to present their claims with proper vouchers or duly authenticated copies thereof, even if the claim is secured by a mortgage upon real estate, to Tanya I. Endrina-Key at the address shown above within four (4) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or they will be forever barred.
Tanya I. Endrina-Key, Successor Trustee
Telephone: 808-383-9284
(SA1356706 1/14, 1/21, 1/28/22)