The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001352180-01
Funeral Notices

Sep. 8, 1936-Dec 5. 2011

It has been 10 long years since you left, but the hurt still lingers. I think of you every day,wishing you were still with me. But I guess I should be thankful for the fifty four years we had together.

Mary Ke’ali’iwahine, I miss you so much as do the rest of the family. Maybe you and I and our son Roland can be together again in the future.

E ku’uipo, ku’uwahine, Malia
My sweetheart, my wife Mary
He aloha au ia ‘oe
I love you
‘O ‘oe no ka’u i aloha
You are the one I love
Pilikua (Husband) Roven