The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001344021-01
Funeral Notices


Sheldon J. Hershinow proved strong and patient all his life; after fighting Parkinson’s for 14 years, he died at home in Kaneohe with his wife and son at his side on September 2, 2021. Shel was a professor and administrator at Kapiolani CC for over 30 years. His students and colleagues will remember how wisely he made space for their thinking. For 20 years he directed the Hawaii Writing Project, bringing Hawaii’s teachers from kindergarten through college together for transformative professional development. He also created and directed the Writing Across the Curriculum plus Critical Thinking (WAC+) Summer Institutes for college teachers. During years of leadership as Chair of the Humanities Department, Acting Assistant Dean and Acting Assistant to the Provost, his steadying judgment and kindness could be counted upon, and he loved co-teaching a Learning Community with historian Colette Higgins, integrating Pacific Island history and literature. Born to the late Harry and Eva Hershinow on December 27, 1942, Shel proved excellent at sports as well as learning. He wrestled competitively at Oberlin and the University of Chicago before coming to teach English at UHM, where he coached wrestling before volunteering to support the Iolani team. He co-founded the Sparks Matsunaga Peace Institute, earned his PhD at UHM, and published Bernard Malamud. When arthritis cost him running and kayaking, he roller-skated around KCC and cycled with Kim. Shel is survived by his wife Lorna Hershinow, his son David Hershinow and step-daughter Kim Evans LaRocca, and four grandchildren. To read a fuller account of his life and family and perhaps post your own comments, visit WWW.HAWAIIANMEMORIALPARKMORTUARY.COM.

Arrangements Provided By:
Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary