The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001299582-01
Legal Notices

Department of Justice
Antitrust Division

Take notice that the United States has filed a proposed Final Judgment in a civil antitrust case in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, United States of America v. Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, et al., Civil Action No. 4:20-cv-01282-SRC. On September 18, 2020, the United States filed a Complaint alleging that the proposed acquisition by Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC (“AB Companies”), a minority shareholder in Craft Brew Alliance, Inc. (“CBA”), of the remaining shares of CBA would violate Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 18. AB Companies is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (“ABI”). The proposed Final Judgment, filed at the same time as the Complaint, requires ABI, AB Companies, and CBA to divest Kona Brewery, LLC, which houses CBA’s entire Kona brand business in the State of Hawaii, among other related tangible and intangible assets, and to license to the acquirer the Kona brand in Hawaii. The United States has approved PV Brewing Partners, LLC, as the acquirer. A Competitive Impact Statement filed by the United States on October 26, 2020, describes the Complaint, the proposed Final Judgment, the industry, and the remedies available to private litigants who may have been injured by the alleged violation.

Copies of the Complaint, proposed Final Judgment, and Competitive Impact Statement are available for inspection on the Antitrust Division’s website at and at the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Interested persons may address comments to Robert A. Lepore, Chief, Transportation, Energy, and Agriculture Section, Antitrust Division, Department of Justice, 450 5th Street NW, Suite 8000, Washington, DC 20530 (telephone: 202-307-6349) within 60 days of the date of this notice. Such comments, including the name of the submitter, and responses thereto, will be posted on the Antitrust Division’s website, filed with the Court, and, under certain circumstances, published in the Federal Register.
(SA1299582 10/30, 11/2, 11/3, 11/4, 11/5, 11/6
, 11/7/20)