The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001241134-01
Public Notices

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Public Notice: Five-Year Review for Fort Shafter, Oahu, Hawaii

The United States Army Corps of Engineers has completed a Five-Year Review of the environmental remedies implemented for the following six Fort Shafter sites: FTSHF-46 (former fueling station and paint spray booth), FTSHF-48 (former laundry facility), FTSHF-50 (former repair shop), FTSHF-51 (former wash rack), FTSHF-52 (former warehouse) and FTSHF-004-R-01 (former Rifle Range 1 Transferred (TD) Munitions Response Site), located on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The purpose of this review was to determine if the selected remedies continue to be protective of human health and the environment. Any issues identified that impact the remedies’ protectiveness, as well as recommendations to address them, have been included in the Five-Year Review Report

Previous investigations conducted at the six Fort Shafter sites identified the following soil contaminants from past site use: arsenic, lead and vanadium; total petroleum hydrocarbons in the form of gasoline and motor oil; polychlorinated biphenyls; certain polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; certain semi-volatile organic compounds; and the pesticide dieldrin. The selected remedy for sites FTSHF-46, FTSHF-48, FTSHF-50, FTSHF-51, and FTSHF-52, consists of land use controls. The selected remedy for site FTSHF-004-R-01 (TD) consisted of excavation, treatment, and offsite disposal of soil, in addition to land use controls. The remedies will remain in effect after any future land lease/transfer or until such time as the areas have been restored to conditions that allow for unlimited use and unrestricted exposure.

The Army completed this Five-Year Review as required by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, commonly known as Superfund, and the National Contingency Plan. The Five-Year Review Report documents the methods used for the review, and the findings and conclusions based on a records review and a site inspection. The Hawaii Department of Health provides regulatory oversight support concerning environmental cleanup measures.

The Fort Shafter Five-Year Review Report was signed October 09, 2019 and is available to the community at the following location:

Salt Lake/Moanalua Public Library
3225 Salt Lake Blvd.
Honolulu, Hawaii 96818

For questions or comments about this Five-Year Review, please contact: Carrie Nelson at 808-656-3092, or via email at:
(SA1241134 10/29/19)