Request for Proposals
Wai`anae Community Re-development Corporation (WCRC)
86-148 Puhawai Rd.
Wai`anae, Oahu, Hawaii 96792
TMK: 8-6-008: 004
WCRC is seeking competitive Fee Proposals from architects licensed under applicable laws in the State of Hawaii to provide architectural services to design and permit a new 7,500 square foot warehouse on its premises partially funded by the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA). The facility will be food safety certified, and be used to wash, process, pack and cold store organic fruits and vegetables, and to train interns enrolled in our agriculture programs.
Please email the project contacts for full RFP details and to schedule an on-site informational walkthrough on either Monday, October 15 or Wednesday October 17, and/or to obtain a preliminary engineering report on the project.
Completed proposals must be e-mailed directly to the project contacts no later than 5:00pm, Friday November 9, 2018.
Project contacts:
Gary Maunakea-Forth /
Wei Fang /
(SA1138637 10/4, 10/11/18)