The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001133044-01
Notices to Contractors


Longevity International Enterprises Corp. (dba Chinatown Cultural Plaza) hereby solicits interested and qualified contractors to submit proposals for Chinatown Cultural Plaza #306 Hsing Chung Hui Memorial Hall Renovation Project

Location: #306 Hsing Chung Hui Memorial Hall
Chinatown Cultural Plaza
100 N. Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii
General Scope of Work:
To furnish all equipment, labor and materials for the renovation work (approx. 5,500 sq.ft.) which includes, but not limited to the followings:
1. Remove and replace existing carpet & baseboard (1000 sq.ft.)
2. Remove and replace existing vinyl baseboard (3600 sq.ft.)
3. Remove the electric water cooler and cap the existing plumbing
4. Renovate the existing kitchen, restrooms & stage
5. Install new track lighting and recessed downlight fixtures

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, September 28, 2018 at 02:00 pm.
Proposals received after deadline may be subject to rejection. All proposals must be sealed and submitted with name of the project clearly indicated. Mail or Hand Deliver sealed proposals to:
#306 Hsing Chung Hui
Memorial Hall Renovation Project
Longevity International Enterprises Corp.
100 N. Beretania Street, Suite 304
Honolulu, HI 96817

Please contact Ms. Sibyl Tsui at (808) 531-1118 for pick up a copy of detailed job description and bid documents, as well as for arrangement of site visit. No proposals will be accepted without conducting a site visit. LIEC reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions for any and all reasons as it deems in its best judgment.
(SA1133044 9/16, 9/19/18)