NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Civil No. 15-1-1346-07; HSCB Bank USA, National Association as Trustee for Nomura Home Equity Laon, Inc. Asset-Backed Certificates Series 2007-3 vs. Angelito Padilla; Simeon J. Mariano and Eric Glen A. Mariano; Association of Apartment Owners of Pearl Harbor Gardens; John Does 1-10; Jane Does 1-10; Doe Partnerships 1-10; Doe Corporations 1-10; Doe Entities 1-10 and Doe Governmental Units 1-10 Leasehold 3 Bedroom 1.5 Bathroom Single Family Home Living Area 968 Sq.Ft. Located at 94-125 Pahu Street #44, Hawaii 96797 built in 1975 TMK 1-9-4-011-001-0043 NO OPEN HOUSE SHOWINGS AUCTION DATE: 12:00 noon, Monday AUGUST 20th,2018 at First Circuit Court Building 777 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, Hawaii (Ewa Entrance) The property will be sold at public auction "AS IS", no upset price with 10% down in cashier’s or certified check at the close of the auction and the balance in cash upon delivery of title. Purchaser will pay for all closing costs, including but not limited to recording and escrow fees, conveyance taxes, documentation, and will be responsible for securing possession after the transaction closes. Property taxes and monthly maintenance fee will be pro-rated as of the date of closing. All bidders must show proof of their 10% down payment prior to the start of the bidding. Sale is SUBJECT TO COURT CONFIRMATION. For further information, contact Terry S. Hand Commissioner, 1720 Ala Moana Blvd Suite B3A Honolulu, HI 96815
(SA1124416 8/15/18)