Professional Consulting Services
for the
“Construction Management Services for the College of
Micronesia – FSM (COM-FSM) Infrastructure Projects”
The Project Management Unit of Department of Transportation,
Communication & Infrastructure, National Government of Federated
States of Micronesia is hereby soliciting Statements of Professional
Qualifications from interested entities for the purpose of
implementing the Construction Management Services for the COM
National Campus – Student Center and Pohnpei Campus – Tech.
Building. Work will be funded by Infrastructure Sector Grants under
the Amended Compact of Free Association between the United States
and FSM.
The duration of the consulting services is 24 calendar months starting
from the date of Notice to Proceed issued to the selected consultant.
Further details of this RFQ may be obtained by submitting a written
letter of interest to Mr. Lukner Weilbacher, Secretary, DTC&I, P.O.
Box PS-2, Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941 at email
with the subject heading:
“Statement of Qualifications for the Construction Management
Services for College of Micronesia, COM-FSM Infrastructure
The RFQ may also be directly obtained from the Department’s
In order to be considered, Statements of Professional Proposal and
Qualifications must be submitted to the above contact address no later
than 4.00 pm, Pohnpei, FSM time, June 29, 2018.