BARRY EDWARD SHELBY Passed away on April 28, 2018, at age 71. He was born in Chicago, Illinois on February 23, 1947. A Fulbright Scholar, Barry began his career at Pan American Airways on March 1, 1972. He was in the first graduating class when men were accepted into the in-flight service position. He then continued as a Purser at United Airlines after the airlines merged in 1986, retiring in 2012. Barry will be remembered for his humorous quick wit, intelligence, and his dedication to family and friends. He is survived by his daughter Liana Phillips, son-in-law Stephen, grandson Grayson, brother Bruce Shelby, sister-in-law Stephanie, and nephew Kyle. A celebration of life will be on Wednesday, June 6 at 4:30 in the afternoon Makapu`u Beach, Waimanalo at the back entrance to Sealife Park by the windsock. |