The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001097161-01




To: Kaleialii, Unknown Heirs of Kaleialii, Hooilikaua aka Keliihooilikaua, Unknown Heirs of Hooilikaua aka Keliihooilikaua, Rev. J. N. Kamoku Jr. aka J. N. Kamoku, Unknown Heirs of Rev. J. N. Kamoku Jr. aka J. N. Kamoku, Abesaloma K. Kamoku, Unknown Heirs of Abesaloma K. Kamoku, Edward L. Kamoku, Unknown Heirs of Edward L. Kamoku, Iserael K. Kamoku, Unknown Heirs of Iserael K. Kamoku, Obed L. Kamoku, Unknown Heirs of Obed L. Kamoku, Keahi aka J.P. Keahi aka J. W. Keahi aka J. W. Peahi, Unknown Heirs of Keahi aka J. P. Keahi aka J. W. Keahi aka J. W. Peahi, D. H. Keahi, Unknown Heirs of D. H. Keahi, D. Keau, Unknown Heirs of D. Keau, Moewai Kaawa, Unknown Heirs of Moewai Kaawa, Margaret Kuikuipua aka Mrs. William Kuikuipua, Mary Elia aka Malia Elia, Unknown Heirs of Mary Elia aka Malia Elia, Unknown Heirs of Louis K. Elia, Sr., Unknown Heirs of Anthony Elia, Tonilynn M. Elia-Mondiola, Unknown Heirs of Emanuel Kaaihue Elia, Unknown Heirs of Harrison D. C. Elia, Anakonia L. Elia; and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, interest, or lien in the real property described below, adverse to Plaintiffs’ ownership and to all whom it may concern. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that Plaintiffs attorneys for Plaintiffs HELEN K. OZAWA, SALLY K. BRYANT, ROBERT K. ELIA, DAVID ELIA, LOUIS K. ELIA, JR., HENRY H. ELIA, MARJORIE K. ELIA, RUTH K. ELIA, MARIAH. ELIA, RUTH K. KALA, DANIEL ELIA, JR., LYNN K. ELIA, BERNICE A. KALEIKINI, and RAYMOND K. ELIA, whose address is Nakamoto, Okamoto & Yamamoto, 187 Kapiolani Street, Hilo, Hawaii 96720 have filed a Complaint in Civil No. 17-1-146K to quiet title to the property described as a portion of Grant 1018 to Pilahi and Palupalu, situate at Kanekiki, Puna, Island of Hawaii, area 38.665 acres, bearing Tax Map Key No. (3) 1-4-005-016; against you in the above entitled Court wherein they pray to partition and for a decree establishing the title ownership and partition of the said property, and such other and further relief as justice requires.
YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the courtroom of the Honorable Greg K. Nakamura of the above-entitled Court, in his courtroom, at Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, HI 96720, on Thursday, the 28th day of June, 2018, at 8:00 a.m. of said day or to file an answer or other pleading and serve it before said date and time upon ALAN M. OKAMOTO, or JAMES H. KUNIMURA, attorneys for Plaintiffs HELEN K. OZAWA, et al., whose address is Nakamoto, Okamoto & Yamamoto, 187 Kapiolani Street, Hilo, Hawaii 96720. If you fail to do so, order by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
Dated: Hilo, Hawaii, April 30, 2018

J. LaGuire
Clerk of the above-entitled Court

(SA1097161 5/15, 5/22, 5/29, 6/5/18)