The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001051774-01
Funeral Notices

WILBERT S. TOMA Wilbert S. Toma, Vice President of Tommy S. Toma Contractor, Inc., age 72, passed away peacefully on November 12, 2017, in Honolulu. Wilbert is survived by his wife Grace; his sons Lance (Erik), Randall (Sandy), and Landon; his grandchildren Reginald, Brenan, Reysin, and Taryn; and his mother Lorraine, brothers Thomas and Alvin, and sister Cynthia. Visitation 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, December 10, 2017 at Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary; Service at 1:30 p.m. Family requests no flowers. Arrangements Provided By: Nuuanu Memorial Park & Mortuary LLC