FIRST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS P. NO. 17-1-0784 ESTATE OF STUART W. BLAIR, AKA STUART WINTHROP BLAIR, Deceased FILED, Petition for Adjudication of Intestacy and Appointment of Personal Representative, alleging intestacy of said decedent, showing property within the jurisdiction of this court and asking that KATHLEEN S. VANCE, whose address is c/o Emily Kawashima Waters, AAL, LLLC, Topa Financial Center, 700 Bishop Street, Suite 1700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, be appointed Personal Representative of said estate. JAN 25 2016 at 9:00 a.m. before the presiding Judge in Probate at Kaahumanu Hale, 777 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, is the appointed date, time and place for hearing said petition and all interested persons. All creditors of the above-named estate are hereby notified to present their claims with proper vouchers or duly authenticated copies thereof, even if the claim is secured by mortgage upon real estate, to said nominee, at the address shown above, within four (4) months from the date of the first publication of this notice or they will be forever barred pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes § 560:3-801. DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, NOV 16 2017. S. ADAMS Clerk of the Above-Entitled Court EMILY KAWASHIMA WATERS Emily Kawashima Waters, AAL, LLLC Topa Financial Center 700 Bishop Street, Suite 1700 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Attorney for Petitioner (SA1050034 11/24, 12/1, 12/8/17)