NOTICE OF LIEN SALE STORQUEST SELF STORAGE StorQuest Self Storage will sell at public sale by Competitive bidding the personal property of: Waipahu-Farrington 94-299 Farrington Hwy Waipahu Montez Riddle $361.24, Christina Rita $152.87, Janna Brown $930.66, Suevale Leaeno, Jr. $671.57. Kakaako-850 Kawaiahao St 4Th Floor Charles K Y Khim, Attorney-at-Law $265.96, $278.52 & $392.40, Jon Aronson $79.57, Mary Delos Santos $360.90 Kalihi- 750 Umi St. Sale Wells $407.31, Sinfina Singeuo $677.48, Clifford Bermudes $434.56, Mark Tuitau $92.15, Simeaola Sula $621.47, Mandy Togia $292.13 Property to be sold: Misc., household goods, furniture, tools, clothes, boxes, toys and personal content. Sale will commence at 9:00 AM on November 24, 2017 until 5:00 PM on November 27, 2017 at Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Giovanna Millan, Alyson Goodness & Kanani Fox Property Managers. (SA1046391 11/10, 11/17/17)