FAMILY COURT FIRST CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAl’I NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING CASE NUMBER FC-A No. 16-1-6181 In the Matter of the Adoption of A Female Child Born on: May 28, 2012 by KENNETH IBALLO DE GRACIA legal spouse of LAKISHA WHITLEY WHITE DE GRACIA the child(ren)’s legal parent Petitioner(s). THE STATE OF HAWAl’I TO: Richard Seu Togia, Jr. 21-917 64th Avenue Court East, Spanaway, WA 98387 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the attached Petition for Adoption of the above-identified child(ren) born to Lakisha Whitley White De Gracia the child(ren)’s mother, has been filed in the Family Court, First Circuit, State of Hawai’i. THE PETITION ALLEGES that your consent to the adoption of the above-named child(ren) by the above-named Petitioner(s) is not required and may be dispensed with pursuant to Section 578-2(c) of the Hawai’i Revised Statutes (HRS), as amended. A hearing on the Petitioner will be held on NOV 21 2017 at 1:30 P.M. at the Family Court of the First Circuit located at the Ronald T.Y. Moon Kapolei Courthouse, 4675 Kapolei Courthouse, 4675 Kapolei Parkway, Third Floor, Kapolei, Hawai’i, 96707. IF YOU FAIL to appear at the hearing noted above or if you fail to file a written response to the allegations stated in the Petition for Petition, further action be taken, including the granting of the adoption, without further notice to you. Your written response should be addressed to the: Presiding Judge, Family Court, First Circuit, 4675 Kapolei Parkway, Kapolei, Hawai’i, 96707, ATTN: SPECIAL DIVISION CALENDAR CLERK. FAILURE TO OBEY this Notice may result in an entry of default and default judgment against you. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the child(ren), the adoptive parent(s), and the natural parents have rights under HRS Section 578-15 regarding confidentiality of adoption records after the child(ren) reach/reaches age 18. DATED: SEP 14 2017. CLERK’S SIGNATURE N. WATANABE (SEAL) (SA1032169 9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/18/17)