The Garden Island
Notice #: 0001035180-01
Request for Proposals

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) "Professional Consulting Service For the Design of Yap International Airport Runway and Taxiway Rehabilitation NOTICE The Department of Transportation, Communications & Infrastructure of Federated States of Micronesia (FSM TC&I) is hereby soliciting Statements of Professional Qualifications from interested entities for the purpose of implementing the "Professional Consulting Service for the Design of Yap International Airport Runway and Taxiway Rehabilitation". This work will be performed under the United States Federal Aviation Administration (US FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) to FSM. The consulting services comprise a sequence of tasks which may include but not limited to: Review of existing airport survey, geological and environmental data; Review of the existing airport drainage system; Review of existing airport runway, taxiway and related design information; Review of current airport power system and conditions of existing generators; Perform airport drainage system improvement preliminary and final design; Perform preliminary design of runway and taxiway rehabilitation; Provide final detailed design of runway and taxiway rehabilitation; Review condition of rotating beacon and provide design and plan for replacement; Provide design drawings, quantity calculations, cost estimate, and specifications for the project; Provide bid documents for the construction of the project. The duration of the consulting services is six (6) calendar months starting from the date of the Notice to Proceed issued to the selected consultant. Further details of this RFQ may be obtained by submitting written interests to the following contact, or via email to with the subject heading, Statement of Proposal and Qualifications for the "Professional Consulting Service for the Design of Yap International Airport Runway and Taxiway Rehabilitation": Secretary, Department of Transportation, Communications & Infrastructure FSM National Government P.O Box PS-2 Palikir,Pohnpei FM 96941 Statements of Professional Proposal and Qualifications must be submitted to the above contact no later than 4:00pm. Pohnpei, FSM time, Friday, November 17, 2017 in order to be considered. FSM TC&I reserves the right to reject any and all Requests for Qualifications submitted for any reason, if in FSM TC&I’s sole opinion to do so would be in FSM TC&I’s best interest. (SA1035180 10/13/17)