NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE ON MORTGAGES AND OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION (1) HAWAIIAN VILLAGE VACATION SUITES, (2) GW VACATION SUITES, (3) KT VACATION SUITES AND (4) BW VACATION SUITES (5) GI VACATION SUITES (1) Tax Map Key No. 2-6-009:001, (2) Tax Map Key No. 2-6-009:003 (1) AND 2-6-009:002 (1), (3) Tax Map Key No. (1) 2-6-009-013, (4) Tax Map Key No. (1) 2-6-003-001-0002 AND (5) Tax Map Key No. (1) 2-6-008-039. NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Sections 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, as Mortgagee and as the attorney-in-fact for the mortgagor (See Exhibit "A") whose address is 6355 Metro West Blvd., Suite 180, Orlando, Florida 32835 ("Mortgagee"), intends to foreclose the mortgages dated (See Exhibit "A") executed by (See "Exhibit "A") in favor of Mortgagee recorded in the State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances as Document No. (See "Exhibit "A") and/or recorded in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii (Bureau of Conveyances) as Document No. (See Exhibit "A") and has postponed a sale by public auction, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said mortgages, of those certain interval ownership (timeshare) interests in the timeshare project known as: (1) HAWAIIAN VILLAGE VACATION SUITES, located at 2003 Kalia Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 (the "Project") secured by said mortgage, consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit "A") interest in said Project as noted as ICN #(See Exhibit "A") as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Interest for HAWAIIAN VILLAGE VACATION SUITES recorded on January 27, 2000 in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii (Bureau of Conveyances) as Document No. 2603546, amended by the First Amendment thereto as recorded on May 2, 2000 as Document No. 2623058, amended by Second Amendment thereto as recorded on January 4, 2002 as Document No. 2767067, and amended by the Third Amendment thereto as recorded on September 6, 2002 as Document No. 2838297 ("Declaration"); (2) GW VACATION SUITES, located at 1811 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 (the "Project") secured by said mortgage, consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit "A") interest in said Project as noted as ICN #(See Exhibit "A") as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Interest for GW VACATION SUITES recorded on December 22, 2006 as Document No. 3531245 in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii and on December 22, 2006 as Document No. 2006-235347 in the Bureau of Conveyances, State of Hawaii, as amended ("Declaration"); and (3) KT VACATION SUITES, located at 2005 Kalia Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 (the "Project") secured by said mortgage, consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit "A") interest in said Project as noted as ICN #(See Exhibit "A") as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Interest for KT VACATION SUITES recorded in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii (Bureau of Conveyances) on December 12, 2003 as Document No. 3041027, as amended by the First Amendment thereto as recorded on May 26, 2004 as Document No. 3114538 and as amended by Second Amendment thereto as recorded on July 9, 2004 as Document No. 3134717 (the "Program Declaration"); and NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Sections 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that HRC ISLANDER, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as Mortgagee and as the attorney-in-fact for the mortgagor(See Exhibit "A") whose address is 6355 Metro West Blvd., Suite 180, Orlando, Florida 32835 ("Mortgagee"), intends to foreclose the mortgages dated (See Exhibit "A") executed by (See "Exhibit "A") in favor of Mortgagee recorded in the State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances as Document No. (See "Exhibit "A") and/or recorded in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii (Bureau of Conveyances) as Document No. (See Exhibit "A") and will hold a sale by public auction, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said mortgages, of those certain interval ownership (timeshare) interests in the timeshare project known as: (4) BW VACATION SUITES, located at 2181 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 (the "Project") secured by said mortgage, consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit "A") interest in said Project as noted as ICN #(See Exhibit "A") as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Interest for BW VACATION SUITES dated September 25, 2012, recorded at said Bureau as Document No. A-46510660 (the "Program Declaration"); and NOTICE IS GIVEN pursuant to Sections 667-61 through 667-65, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that BRE GRAND ISLANDER, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as Mortgagee and as the attorney-in-fact for the mortgagor(See Exhibit "A") whose address is 6355 Metro West Blvd., Suite 180, Orlando, Florida 32835 ("Mortgagee"), intends to foreclose the mortgages dated (See Exhibit "A") executed by (See "Exhibit "A") in favor of Mortgagee recorded in the State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances as Document No. (See "Exhibit "A") and/or recorded in the Office of the Assistant Registrar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii (Bureau of Conveyances) as Document No. (See Exhibit "A") and will hold a sale by public auction, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said mortgages, of those certain interval ownership (timeshare) interests in the timeshare project known as:(5) GI VACATION SUITES, located at 2023 Kalia Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 (the "Project") secured by said mortgage, consisting of an undivided (See Exhibit "A") interest in said Project as noted as ICN #(See Exhibit "A") as established by that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Interest for GI VACATION SUITES, recorded October 29, 2014 at the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii as Document No. A-54150575 (the "Declaration"). The sale shall be conducted at: STATE CAPITOL, ROTUNDA AREA ON THE STEPS LEADING DOWN TO THE QUEEN LILIUOKALANI STATUE, 415 SOUTH BERETANIA STREET, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96801, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2017 AT 12:00 NOON. Terms of sale are: (i) each of the properties to be sold is an undivided ownership interest in the Project and shall be sold separately to satisfy the mortgage "AS-IS, WHERE-IS" without representation and/or warranty of any kind with respect to condition, title, possession or encumbrances and without upset price by quitclaim conveyance (ii) Purchaser must, at close of Auction, pay to Mortgagee a non-refundable downpayment of 10% of the highest successful bid price in cash (U.S.), or by cashier’s or certified check as a non-refundable deposit with the balance of the purchase price payable in full within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Auction with such deposit being deemed earned and non-refundable and which shall be retained by Mortgagee as liquidated damages if Purchaser fails to pay the balance due timely. (iv) Purchaser shall pay all costs, expenses, and other sums (including, without limitation, conveyance taxes, recording fees, and special assessments due pursuant to H.R.S. Sec. 514A-90 and Sec. 514B-146); (v) Mortgagee shall be entitled to credit bid up to the amount of sums due under the mortgage (together with all late fees, finance charges, attorney’s fees and costs due and owing under the mortgage); (vi) Purchaser must register to bid at the time of sale and by submitting a bid Purchaser acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions contained herein and to those additional terms which may be acknowledged by Purchaser at the Sale. Sale is subject to cancellation and/or postponement for any reason, or no reason, before or after commencement or bidding. THE DEFAULT UNDER THE MORTGAGE AGREEMENT MAY BE CURED NO LATER THAN THREE BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC SALE OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY BY PAYING THE ENTIRE AMOUNT WHICH WOULD BE OWED TO THE FORECLOSING MORTGAGEE IF THE PAYMENTS UNDER THE MORTGAGE AGREEMENT HAD NOT BEEN ACCELERATED, PLUS THE FORECLOSING MORTGAGEE’S ATTORNEY’S FEES AND COSTS, AND ALL OTHER FEES AND COSTS INCURRED BY THE FORECLOSING MORTGAGEE RELATED TO THE DEFAULT, UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO BETWEEN THE FORECLOSING MORTGAGEE AND THE BORROWER. THERE IS NO RIGHT TO CURE THE DEFAULT OR ANY RIGHT OF REDEMPTION AFTER THAT TIME. IF THE DEFAULT IS SO CURED, THE PUBLIC SALE SHALL BE CANCELED. THIS IS AN ACTION TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR SUCH PURPOSE. This foreclosure saleis being conducted byLaw Offices of Marvin S.C. Dang, LLLC, whose office is located at P.O. Box 4109, Honolulu, Hawaii 96812-4109. For further particulars, contact: Sharon Warner for HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION (or) and HRC ISLANDER, LLC (or) and BRE GRAND ISLANDER, LLC, phone number (888) 491-1120 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time). HILTON RESORTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation. By: Ileana Gonzalez, Authorized Agent. EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE:HAWAIIAN VILLAGE (23109.0031); Project Name, Contract No./ Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, Land Court Document No., BOC Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; 55-027074 NORIO YAMADA & NAOMI YAMADA & TAKAHIRO YAMADA & RINA YAMADA, 2/15/2011, N/A, 2011-134716, .00846153846%, 55-1108-46; EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: GW VACATION SUITES (23115.0046-49); Project Name, Contract No./ Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, Land Court Document No., BOC Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; 59-17385 YUGENGAISHA YUHO SHOKAI, A JAPAN CORPORATION C/O MR.NOBUO SONO 5-43 HAMASUKA CHIGASAKI-SHI, KANAGAWA 253-0035 JAPAN 8/19/2010 2011-002974 4036046 .00616243392% 59-1705-15 59-22659 YUTAKA OSAKI MITSUYO OSAKI 3-38-13-302 KITAZAKAE URAYASU-SHI, CHIBA 279-0002 JAPAN 8/28/2011 2011-203810 N/A .00201390874% 59-1910-27-E 59-26539 KEISUKE MUKUMOTO MIYUKI MUKUMOTO 27-5 OOSHIMA MOMOYAMA-CHO KYOTO-SHI, KYOTO 612-8002 JAPAN 6/30/2012 A-46360206 N/A .00308121696% 59-1003-41-O 59-32128 YOLANDA ANTONIO SERVIDAD JUNE MALIWAT SERVIDAD 3526 OXFORD ST VANCOUVER, BC V5K 1P1 CANADA 11/7/2013 A-51350364 N/A 0.00402781748% 59-2211-21; 59-23833 ATSUHITO INOUE MAMIKO INOUE 1-5-601 WAKABA-CHO KASHIWA-SHI, CHIBA 277-0024 JAPAN 11/22/2011 A-44550550 N/A .00201390874% 59-2410-8-O 59-9359 NOBUYUKI KOIZUMI YUKIKO KOIZUMI 3-2-15 HACHIOUJI CHUO-KU SAITAMA-SHI, SAITAMA 338-0006 JAPAN 3/3/2009 2010-112127 3986306 .00201390874% 59-1112-36-E 59-20894 TOMOHO YAMADA 5-24-3 HIGASHICHO KOGANEI-SHI, TOKYO 184-0011 JAPAN 5/4/2011 2011-109611 N/A .00812805644% 59-3811-48; 59-23663 TOMOYUKI HAMACHI, HUSBAND OF TOMOE HAMACHI 2-7-6 SHODAI SAWARA-KU FUKUOKA-SHI, FUKUO 811-0012 JAPAN 11/6/2011 A-44340313 N/A 0.00812805644% 59-3610-9 59-504000 CHRISTA LYNETTE PETERSON ROBERT EARL BAKER 1420 CALAWAH WAY FORKS, WA 98331 9/7/2016 A-61970649 N/A 0.00201390874% 59-2411-36-O; 59-502163 TONY LEE PETERS ROBYN MANN PETERS 833 HAYDEN LANE SAVANNAH, TX 76227 9/19/2015 A-58230299 N/A .00616243392% 59-2801-9 59-503086 ROBERT JUNIOR SULLIVAN 1508 MIRAMAR CT CINCINNATI, OH 45237 2/17/2016 A-59830573 N/A .00308121696% .00308121696% 59-1907-13-E 59-602-4-O 59-29945 ISAO ABE, husband of Asae Abe 3-5-20 NISHIAZABU MINATO-KU, TOKYO 106-0031 JAPAN 4/07/2013 A-49020251 N/A .00616243392% .00616243392% 59-3101-7 59-3101-8 59-501258 JAIN TOURS CO. LTD., A KOREA CORPORATION 102 HYUNDAE PARK VILLA SEOUL, 137-806 SOUTH KOREA 4/16/2015 A-57090518 N/A .00201390874% 59-2809-5-O EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: KT VACATION SUITES (23118.0028-29); Project Name, Contract No./ Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, Land Court Document No., BOC Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; 58-11961 RYOSUKE KOYAMA MAYUMI KOYAMA 4-10-5 MIYAGAWA-CHO NAGATA-KU KOBE-SHI, HYOGO 653-0813 JAPAN 6/14/2011 2011-142432 N/A 0.084216 58-14-1436-9-O 58-13070 KAYO AOKI 109-1-602 KURIYAMA-CHO HIMEJI-SHI, HYOGO 670-0954 JAPAN 1/3/2013 A-48120218 N/A 0.084216% 0.084216% 58-12-1250-31-O 58-18-1854-16-E; 58-14123 JAMES ALLEN HALL CHERYL ANN HALL 52124 TIFTON PLACE ELKHART, IN 46514 10/20/2015 A-58830238 N/A 0.168432% 0.084216% 58-14-1433-44 58-18-1833-38 O EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: BW VACATION SUITES (37045.0027-0031); Project Name, Contract No./ Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, Land Court Document No., BOC Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; 52-008311 DAISUKE INOUE ATORASU KOBE NAKAYAMATE 1401 2-15-1 NAKAYAMATEDORI KOBE-SHI, HYOGO 650-0004 JAPAN 3/13/2014 N/A A-52760269 1/104 52-511-24-7-O 52-503657 HIDEKO YAMAZAKI, wife of MOTOYOSHI YAMAZAKI 1-1-406 KIRIBATAKE KANAGAWA-KU YOKOHAMA-SHI, KANAG 221-0832 JAPAN 1/8/2016 N/A A-59140399 1/104 52-810-19-7-E 52-505372 YOSHIYUKI MATSUMOTO AMENITY HEIGHTS 103 KAMITAKANO-FURUKAWA-CHO 45 KYOTO-SHI, KYT 606-0043 JAPAN 7/30/2016 N/A A-61870040 1/104 52-404-31-7-E 52-10372 AKIRA YAMADA 2-19-3-103 KINUTA SETAGAYA TOKYO, 157-0073 JAPAN 10/31/2014 N/A A-55070158 1/52 52-1007-45-7; 52-500132 RONALD TODD CROSSWELL 929 W ELKHORN CT VISALIA, CA 93277-5104 5/9/2014 N/A A-53590483 1/52 52-707-17-7 52-500473 ROBERT ANTHONY MONTIERO TONIA KATHERINE BURNS-MONTIERO 4849 EL CEMONTE AVE APT 238 DAVIS, CA 95618-4485 7/15/2014 N/A A-53820160 1/104 52-902-45-7-O 52-6567 MASASHI INOMATA NAKI INOMATA SHOJI INOMATA KIYOMI INOMATA 5304-7 KYUCHU KASHIMA-SHI, IBARAKI 3140031 JAPAN 11/10/2013 N/A A-52200307 1/104 52-710-34-7-E 52-1732 SANGSOO PARK MYUNGRAN LEE 3-3 #1026 MATSUDOSHINDEN MATSUDO, CHIBA 2702241 JAPAN 12/1/2012 N/A A-50930270 1/104 52-1110-10-7-E 52-5247 NAOKI KINOSHITA AIKO KINOSHITA 1-15-8 TAKATA-NISHI KOHOKU-KU YOKOHAMA-SHI, KANAGAWA 223-0066 JAPAN 8/4/2013 N/A A-51290129 1/52 52-604-48-7 52-503022 SEIJI YONEMURA CHIHIRO YONEMURA 816-32 NEKOMA TOMISATO, CHIBA 2860205 JAPAN 11/2/2015 N/A A-58980142 1/104 52-1102-21-7-O; 52-6255 MASAHIRO SHIBAGAKI YUKIE SHIBAGAKI 1-18-35 OSYOKITA AMAGASAKI, HYOGO 6600063 JAPAN 10/20/2013 N/A A-52200173 1/104 52-509-2-7-O 52-6956 AKINO MORITO, WIFE OF SHIGEAKI MORITO 2-47-4-1 OIWA AOI-KU SHIZUOKA-SHI, SHIZU 420-0886 JAPAN 12/6/2013 N/A A-52480054 1/104 52-501-40-7-E 52-503066 SEIICHIRO ISHII MASANORI ISHII 3-17-33-602 MUGINO HAKATA-KU FUKUOKA-SHI, FUKUO 812-0882 JAPAN 11/6/2015 N/A A-58900364 1/104 52-1211-47-7-O 52-502386 AZUMI NAKAMURA 5-37-21 NAKANO NAKANO-KU TOKYO, 164-0001 JAPAN 9/15/2015 N/A A-58970173 1/52 52-902-35-7 52-504900 AKIHIRO YUKI 2-2-12-505 KOMINATODORI CHUO-KU KOBE-SHI, HYOGO 650-0026 JAPAN 7/5/2016 N/A A-61780170 1/104 52-1001-14-7-O; 52-502787 SALLY MAE HAMPTON CONNIE JEANNE WOFFORD 1678 PATO COURT STOCKTON, CA 95206 10/15/2015 N/A A-58150245 1/52 52-1006-39-7 52-504320 TSUTOMU MIURA MICHIKO MIURA 1-11-2 HAYAMA RIFU-CHO MIYAGI-GUN, MIYAG 981-0105 JAPAN 5/29/2016 N/A A-61010247 1/104 52-404-17-7-O 52-504352 HORACE HUNTLEY BARBARA YOUNG HUNTLEY 839 2ND ST SW BIRMINGHAM, AL 35211-1737 6/1/2016 N/A A-61200174 1/52 52-1008-6-7; 52-2326 TOMOYUKI MIURA MASAE MIURA 537-1, #201 DAIBARA YASHIO, SAITA 340-0825 JAPAN 12/29/2012 N/A A-50870579 1/104 52-1112-48-7-E EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE: GI VACATION SUITES (40492.0012-0015); Project Name, Contract No./ Mortgagor(s), Date of Mortgage, BOC Document No., Land Court Document No., Undivided Interest, Interval Control No.; 56-504959 MICHAEL JAMES SMITH 18701 109# STRATFORD MINNETONKA, MN 55345 2/25/2016 N/A A-59690137 0.00175817229% 56-2913-37-7-E 56-2754 SHOJI OTSUKA HIROYO OTSUKA 505-2MASUKAWA FUJI, SHIZU 4170815 JAPAN 12/28/2014 N/A A-56610070 0.00175817229% 56-407-41-7-O 56-3215 AARON SCOTT HALCOMB ANASTASIA JOVE HALCOMB 810 CATHEDRAL COURT HARKER HEIGHTS, TX 76548-0010 1/8/2015 N/A A-55970350 0.00175817229% 56-312-21-7-E; 56-507909 KYOUNG HOON MOON TAE EUN KIM 270 SHINBANPO-RO #127-701 SEOCHO-GU SEOUL, 06544 JAPAN 7/27/2016 N/A A-61700296 0.00175817229% 56-2908-43-7-O 56-500164 COLLEEN KANANIOKAPUAMAEOLE FOUKIMOANA SOLOMONE HALAAPIAPI FOUKIMOANA 55-529 NANILOA LOOP LAIE, HI 96762-0002 1/23/2015 N/A A-56670410 0.00175817229% 56-2110-19-7-O 56-504208 ALBERT CORDELL CHEEK TANISHA BRADEN CHEEK 4255 KINGS LN NASHVILLE, TN 37218 1/23/2016 N/A A-59310041 0.00175817229% 56-912-36-7-E 56-502350 BYUNG HUN MIN JAESUK PARK & WEON GI MIN, husband of Misol Lee & SEUNG GI MIN, husband of Geun Young Min METROCITY APT 117-902, YANGDUCK-DONG, MASANHEAWON-GU KYONGNAM, CHANGWON-SI 51360 KOREA 9/4/2015 N/A A-58330519 0.00351634458% 56-1705-5-7 56-502753 HUN YOUNG JANG HYUN JUNG KIM & HYE LIM JANG E-2904 TOWER PALACE 57, EONJU-RO 30-GIL GANGNAM-GU SEOUL, 06293 KOREA 10/20/2015 N/A A-58790402 0.00351634458% 56-513-28-7 56-502267 KAZUMASA TANAKA RIKA TANAKA 701 2-7-2 NAKANE MEGURO-KU, TOKYO 152-0031 JAPAN 8/9/2015 N/A A-57810489 0.00175817229% 56-2208-2-7-O; 56-5061 MIE SHINOHARA RIKI SHINOHARA YACHIYO SHINOHARA 26-10 MATSUKAZE-CHO KISHIWADA, OSAKA 596-0021 JAPAN 5/16/2016 N/A A-62640531 0.00944698062% 56-3611-34-7 56-507406 HARUE SAKAUE KEIKO NAKAJIMA, wife of HIROTAKA NAKAJIMA 143 MINAMI OOMACHI ASHIKAGA-SHI, TOCHI 326-0836 JAPAN 7/1/2016 N/A A-61450435 0.00351634458% 56-3208-47-7 56-507408 HARUE SAKAUE KEIKO NAKAJIMA, wife of HIROTAKA NAKAJIMA 143 MINAMI OOMACHI ASHIKAGA-SHI, TOCHI 326-0836 JAPAN 7/1/2016 N/A A-61450425 0.00351634458% 56-2108-44-7 56-3647 ALAN WILLIAM ADRIAN ANGELA RUTH ADRIAN 50 BEN HOGAN CRESCENT PARKWOOD, QUEEN 4214 AUSTRALIA 1/20/2015 N/A A-56090108 0.00944698062% 0.00944698062% 56-3411-3-7 56-3411-4-7 56-505597 SHINICHIRO IMAMURA NATSUMI IMAMURA 1-2-11-202 SAGINUMADAI NARASHINO-SHI, CHIBA 275-0015 JAPAN 3/24/2016 N/A A-60520216 0.00276081330% 56-409-45-7-O 56-507290 TAKASHI NOJIRI 1-8-1-4615 KACHIDOKI CHUO-KU, TOKYO 104-0054 JAPAN 6/25/2016 N/A A-61030049 0.00351634458% 56-1006-1-7 56-501319 YOSHIMASA FUKUDA KAKO FUKUDA 3-9-33-#2415 KONAN MINATO-KU, TOKYO 108-0075 JAPAN 7/4/2015 N/A A-57600004 0.00276081330% 56-302-4-7-O 56-508222 SADAYOSHI FUSE 16-30-202 UMENOMIYA SHIOGAMA-SHI, MIYAGI 985-0077 JAPAN 8/12/2016 N/A A-61630542 0.00351634458% 56-406-27-7- 56-509249 TAKAHIRO ANDO CHIHIRO ANDO 701-1-A301 UEDA-CHO KANONJI, KAGAWA 768-0012 JAPAN 10/21/2016 N/A A-62140101 0.00175817229% 56-1510-2-7-O; 56-500130 DAVID JOHN ANDREW ZIOLA MELANIE ROSE FERGUSON 1621 EVANS ROAD CRESTON,B.C., BC V0BIG7 CANADA 1/5/2015 N/A A56760136 .00552162660% 56-1509-29-7 56-502713 YUKI TERAMOTO, WIFE OF TAKAFUMI TERAMOTO CLEINO SASADUKA NANZAN 302 3-11-5 SASADUKA SHIBUYA-KU, TOKYO 151-0073 JAPAN 10/14/2015 N/A A58160529 .00175817229% 56-2908-35-7-O 56-4899 I-STORY KABUSHIKIGAISHA, A JAPAN CORPORATION 2-12-18 #101 NAKAMIYA ASAHI KU OSAKA SHI, OSAKA 535-0003 JAPAN 2/18/2016 N/A A-59690029 0.00351634458% 56-612-45-7 56-2514 SANAE HAMASAKI FUMIKO HAMASAKI 567-1 NISHIMACHI KURUME-SHI, FUKUO 830-0038 JAPAN 12/20/2014 N/A A-55640360 0.00351634458% 56-2707-38-7 (SA1030970 9/21, 9/28, 10/5/17)