RG2O-DOT NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S INTENTION TO FORECLOSE UNDER NON-JUDICIAL POWER OF SALE Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes §667-61 through §667-65, as amended, and Purchase Money Mortgage, Security Agreement, and Financing Statement with <See Exhibit ‘A’>, as Mortgagor, dated <See Exhibit ‘A’>, recorded in the Bureau of Conveyances of the State of Hawaii as Document No. <See Exhibit ‘A’> notice is given that Wyndham Vacation Resorts, Inc., a Delaware Corporation as Mortgagee, whose address is 6277 Sea Harbor Drive Orlando, FL 32821, intends to foreclose its said mortgage, and will hold a sale by public auction of Fee Simple property being that certain project, Royal Garden at Waikiki, located at 440 Olohana St. Honolulu, HI 96815 (TMK: (1) 2-6-016-039), on 10/11/2017 at the front entrance to the Circuit Court, 777 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96873 at 12:00 P.M. Each of the properties is to be sold as an undivided timeshare interest. There will be no open houses. Terms of the sale are: (1) No upset price. (2) Property sold without covenant or warranty, express or implied, as to the title possession or encumbrances; (3) At the close of the auction, Purchaser shall pay 10% of the highest successful bid price ("Bid") by money order, certified, or cashier’s check drawn against a United States based financial institution, in US Currency, made payable to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY as a non-refundable deposit; provided that Mortgagee may submit a credit bid up to the amount of the secured indebtedness; (4) The property shall be conveyed by Mortgagee’s quitclaim conveyance. Purchaser shall meet the following obligations: (a) Purchaser shall deliver a cashier’s check no later than 25 days after the auction, to escrow for the balance of the Bid; (b) Purchaser shall pay all closing costs including, but not limited to: costs of document drafting, notary fees, consent fees, escrow fees, conveyance tax, recordation fees and other charges, together with any special assessments which may arise under HRS 514B-146(g)(h)(i); (5) Purchaser shall provide the auctioneer with the selected names (vesting) and tenancy for title to the property at the conclusion of the auction; (6) Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining title insurance, if so desired, however, the availability of title or other insurance shall not be a condition of closing; (7) Time is of the essence in this transaction and any delay in performance by Purchaser which prevents the closing from occurring within 30 days after the auction shall cause Mortgagee to sustain damages in amounts which will be difficult to ascertain. In the event the sale does not close because of any delay in performance by the Purchaser as herein stated, the 10% down payment may be retained by Mortgagee as liquidated damages and not as a penalty; (8) If title is not conveyed to Purchaser for any reason, other than Purchaser’s failure to perform as specified herein, the Mortgagee’s sole responsibility shall be the return of the Bid funds tendered by Purchaser. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagee or its agents, attorneys, servicers and auctioneers; (9) The sale may be postponed from time to time by public announcement by Mortgagee or someone acting on its behalf; (10) By submitting the Bid, Purchaser acknowledges reading the terms and conditions set forth in this notice and agrees to be bound thereby and sign a written acceptance of all terms herein. THE DEFAULTED AMOUNT DUE MAY BE CURED AND THE FORECLOSURE ACTION CEASED IF THE DEFAULTING PARTY PAYS ALL DELINQUENT AMOUNTS DUE PLUS ALL PENALTIES, INTEREST, AND COSTS OF THE FORECLOSURE ACTION UP TO THE DATE OF PAYMENT. SAID AMOUNTS DUE MUST BE PAID NO LATER THAN THREE (3) BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF SALE. THERE IS NO RIGHT TO CURE THE DEFAULT OR ANY RIGHT OF REDEMPTION AFTER THAT TIME. IF THE DEFAULT CONTINUES AFTER THE DEADLINE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE, THE PROPERTY MAY BE FORECLOSED AND SOLD WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION AND WITHOUT GOING TO COURT. YOU MAY HAVE LEGAL RIGHTS OR DEFENSES. FOR ADVICE, YOU SHOULD CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN THE STATE OF HAWAII. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY OPEN HOUSES BEING HELD. ALL FUTURE exhibit "a" Mortgagor(s) Ownership Interest No. Deed Recordation Mortgage Date CHRISTOPHER HAROLD LANSER and ANGELA RENEE LANSER 951511625 A-58270253A thru A-58270253C; 12/15/15 ; A-58270254 ; 12/15/2015 10/24/2015 VIVIANA DELCARMEN BALLESTEROS LARA and CHRISTIAN SAUCEDO 631305505 A-48700029A thru A-48700029C; 5/2/201313 ; A-48700030 ; 05/02/2013 3/4/2013 HIDEKI MATSUBAYASHI and ANNA MATSUBAYASHI 631514932 A-57170337A thru A-57170337C; 8/27/2015 ; A-57170338 ; 08/27/2015 7/6/2015 BRADLEY S BARFIELD and MICHELLE F BARFIELD 631602125 A-59380058A thru A-59380058C; 4/4/201616 ; A-59380059 ; 04/04/2016 1/31/2016 SHANNON P RICE and BRENDA JO RICE 1151300134 A-47980105A thru A-47980105C; 02/19/2013 ; A-47980106 ; 02/19/2013 1/5/2013 MARIA DELOSANGELES BRISENO 871408639 A-53930113A thru A-53930113C; 10/7/2014 ; A-53930114 ; 10/07/2014 8/15/2014 KAZUMA OWADA and AYUMI OWADA 631308632 A-49050014A thru A-49050014C; 6/6/2013 ; A-49050015 ; 06/06/2013 4/9/2013 MOTOKI KONISHI and ERIKO KONISHI 631312808 A-49520046A thru A-49520046C; 7/23/2013 ; A-49520047 ; 07/23/2013 5/25/2013 AUDRA DE GROOTE 951207935 A-46680132A thru A-46680132C; 10/12/12 ; A-46680133 ; 10/12/2012 8/20/2012 RALPH LAFAETTE SKONBERG JR and MARY LYNN KASHEVAROF 951503762 A-56320218A thru A-56320218C; 06/03/2015 ; A-56320219 ; 06/03/2015 4/7/2015 MASAE TAKAOKA and YURIKO SATO 631224730 A-46950030A THRU A-46950030C; 11/08/2012 ; A-46950031 ; 11/08/2012 9/13/2012 DELILAH MALEKA BENJAMIN and DANIEL BRYAN BENJAMIN 3RD 631501376 A-55490046A thru A-55490046C; 03/12/2015 ; A-55490047 ; 03/12/2015 1/18/2015 TIKAN TUNSUWAN 631600095 A-58920020A thru A-58920020C; 02/18/2016 ; A-58920021 ; 02/18/2016 1/2/2016 LUCAS J BRITTON and LYNDAL R SHERROTT 631312501 A-49400092A thru A-49400092C; 07/11/2013 ; A-49400093 ; 07/11/2013 5/22/2013 TETSUO NAKANO and KEIKO NAKANO 631611688 A-60510236A thru A-60510236C; 07/26/2016 ; A-60510237 ; 07/26/2016 6/10/2016 KALENGA NATHALI SANGA NGOIE 631528643 A-59100054A thru A-59100054C; 03/07/2016 ; A-59100055 ; 03/07/2016 12/27/2015 ANGEL PUKAANAOK MONTERDE and ARRON M K LUI-SANAY 631601119 A-59100036A thru A-59100036C; 03/07/2016 ; A-59100037 ; 03/07/2016 1/16/2016 TODD H NOLDER and LIZA M NOLDER 1151404563 A-52530010A THRU A-52530010C; 05/20/2014 ; A-52530011 ; 05/20/2014 3/31/2014 CHANNARA SHAW and THOMAS ALBERT SHAW 871603106 A-60380155A thru A-603801055C;7/13/2016 ; A-603801056 ; 07/13/2016 5/23/2016 SATOSHI TSUTSUMI and RITSUKO TSUTSUMI 631609799 A-60230428A thru A-60230428C; 6/28/16 ; A-60230429 ; 06/28/2016 5/16/2016 JULIANA K CLYDE 631511433 A-56730100A thru A-56730100C; 7/14/2015 ; A-56730101 ; 07/14/2015 5/24/2015 JUANITA C GRAHAM and DWAYNE CUNNINGHAM 631602968 A-60380128A thru A-60380128C; 7/13/2016 ; A-60380129 ; 07/13/2016 2/14/2016 DAISY EMAN PAUSO and KELLY KALEI KULUKULUALANI 631506987 A-56170162A thru A-56170162C; 5/19/2015 ; A-56170163 ; 05/19/2015 4/2/2015 SHOAL G K GANEAU and UILANI PUAOLENA GANEAU 631512555 A-56820066A thru A-56820066C; 07/23/2015 ; A-56820067 ; 07/23/2015 6/7/2015 MAVIS KANAEHOLO and JAMES P KANAEHOLO 951409044 A-57670190A thru A-57670190C; 10/16/2015 ; A-57670191 ; 10/16/2015 9/9/2014 NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE MAILED TO YOU AT THE ADDRESS AT WHICH YOU RECEIVED THIS NOTICE UNLESS YOU SEND WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS TO THE ADDRESS BELOW PROVIDING A DIFFERENT ADDRESS. THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE SENT BY CERTIFIED MAIL OR REGISTERED MAIL OR BY EXPRESS MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID AND RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS ACTION IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT, THAT ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, AND THAT THE DEBT MAY BE DISPUTED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY DEBT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE MORTGAGES DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT ‘A’ HERETO MAY HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED IN A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDING UNDER TITLE 11 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS IS AN ACTION TO COLLECT A DEBT IN REM AGAINST THE PROPERTY ENCUMBERED BY SUCH MORTGAGE AND NOT IN PERSONAM AGAINST ANY MORTGAGOR. Conductor of the public sale in the state of Hawaii: Trustee’s Assistance Corporation on behalf of, First American Title, agent for Claimant; Phone: (808) 539-7504; Address: 1132 Bishop Street, suite 1830, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Dated: August 30, 2017 TAC#9199 PUB: 9-13-17, 9-20-17, 9-27-17 (SA1025819 9/13, 9/20, 9/27/17)