THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE P. No. 17-1-249 IN THE MATTER OF THE DETERMINATION OF THE HEIRS OF SALVATORE R. SPANO, aka SALVATORE SPANO, DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an Order of the above-entitled Court filed on AUG 4 2017, the Petition for Determination of Heirs of Salvatore R. Spano, Deceased, so as to ascertain the rightful heirs to a portion of a timeshare interest in the Kona Coast Resort II, Apt./Unit 15-303, Interval 52, Tax Map Key Number (3) 7-8-010-068:0011, more fully described in said Petition, will be heard on Thursday, the 12th day of October, 2017 at 8:00 a.m., in the courtroom of the presiding Judge of the above-entitled Court, in Kealakekua, Hawai’i. All persons, known or unknown, having or claiming an estate, right or interest in the subject matter of these proceedings or being otherwise concerned in these proceedings shall answer or otherwise plead to such petition within thirty (30) days after the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED: Kealakekua, Hawai’i, AUG 4 2017. HENRIETTA CHONG Clerk of the Above-Entitled Court DONALD K. O. WONG JORDON J. KIMURA MCCORRISTON MILLER MUKAI MACKINNON LLP 500 Ala Moana Boulevard Five Waterfront Plaza, 4th Floor Telephone No.: (808) 529-7300 Attorneys for Petitioner (SA1019554 9/13, 9/20, 9/27/17)