NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at locations indicated: 590 Farrington Hwy #7, Kapolei, HI 96707 808-674-7977 9/26/2017 10:00AM. David Robins #3014 $1629.02 household goods totes decorative items.William Lau III #2392 $655.17 household goods.Keaka Rodrigues #2055 $477.36 household goods.Florence Lerback #3413 $362.33 ousehold goods.Joelle Thornton #2096E $384.47 chair table.Joseph Sanitate Jr. #2524D $252.38 household goods boxes.Kenneth Casil #2027 $1501.52 tools cement mixer bicycles.Kimberly Wood #3097 $431.45 surfboards boxes.Jocelyn Kamaka #2104 $696.79 bicycles boxes patio chairs.Kristina Hatala #2104 $622.40 toys washer dresser misc personal items.Belinda Berry #2342 $115.76 bags clothes totes.Lolani Tuugaupu #2542A $428.66 totes bicycle boxes toys.George Keamo #3551 $371.75 love seat/sofa.Crystal Rodrigues #3546 $888.90 toys boxes household items. 543 Farrington Hwy, Kapolei, HI 96707 808-265-6405 9/26/2017 11:00AM. Kevin Mims #1190 $589.72 drum set ladder shoes.Darrell Murano #5013 $671.18 tires treadmill steamer furniture luggage.Robert Hoffman #3071 $387.80 paper shredder walker bookshelf.Helen Laiot #2043 $428.55 luggage cooler ihome fan. 98-710 Kuahao Place, Pearl City, HI 96782 808-487-3869 9/26/2017 1:00PM. Darryl John Sannicolas #2668 $242.96 bags boxes Christmas items.Geraldine Smith #1480 $471.02 surfboards body boards boxes.Walter Faria #2727 $326.06 boxes totes magazines videos bags.Melissa Ortega #3223 $597.91 household items wrapped furniture.Sean Silva #3286 $409.83 tackle boxes helmet car bumper boxes.Triston Strother #2193 $258.65 boxes totes clothes containers.Nicole Grace #3266 $463.92 totes body board.Geraldine Rekis #1170 $931.38 dining set bar stools mattresses suitcases artwork décor. 620 California Ave. Wahiawa, HI 96786, 808-638-1535 9/26/2017 3:00PM. Deshawn Holland #B227 $384.36 boxes clothes shows.Jenavee Kamakahi #B234 $736.61 clothes TV crockpot bike.Newton Beio #A344 $581.24 books carpet cleaner bins.Kevin Jimenez #B252B $736.93 furniture lawnmower coolers refrigerator.Steven Seaton #A474 $662.67 bed frame dresser corner table. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. (SA1027507 9/12, 9/19/17)