VIVIAN LEIKO HONDA UMAKI March 11th, 1944 – August 22nd, 2017 A lovely person passed away on August 22, 2017 at Queens Hospital surrounded by her loved ones and great friends who held her hand and hugged her as she gently slipped away, painlessly, and peacefully. Compassionate, loving, comforting, caring, elegant and beautiful inside and out. She touched many, many people. It didn’t matter if she knew you for a lifetime or only for a moment, you knew she cared about you. It didn’t matter whether you were an Emperor or the Emperor’s helper, you knew she cared about you. One of her dear friends eloquently said, "Time is so elusive in its value, so precious and short when all is well. Then with with one wrong turn, time cannot go fast enough. I kept wishing after her heart surgery that went so well that she was going to be around for an eternity. And in a small way, she is…in spirit. Her other systems failed her…but not her big gracious heart. The good lord broke the mold after he made her." In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Vivian’s name to either the American Cancer Society or the American Heart Association. Please join us in celebrating her life at Nuuanu Memorial Park and Mortuary on Sunday, September 10, 2017. Visitation at 4pm. Memorial at 5pm. Aloha attire.