"May the wind be on your back, the sun upon your face, and the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars." MICHAEL WARD HADDOCK – FEBRUARY 3, 1949 – JULY 1, 2017 MERLIN HADDOCK – FEBRUARY 2, 1999 – JULY 12, 2017 Recently God called out to Michael and asked him to come work on a project that He had been planning for a very long time. God told Michael he was the only candidate for the job. Michael said God wasn’t specific to any of the details but God offered him a fabulous place to live with unparalleled views, there would be fantastic food and he would be well loved. The job also comes with many perks, he could bodysurf , play tennis, go on hikes, swim snorkel, play cards and play any musical instrument of his choice. "Michael," He said, " you will be able play endless rounds of golf and never ever lose a golf ball". Michael being Michael pressed for more details… suddenly God laughed out loud, then God turned to him and whispered something in his ear…immediately the deal was sealed. High five Michael, High five God! Michael went with God on July 1 followed shortly after by our dear dog Merlin. Together they roam the universe going on adventures with God as their guide. To celebrate their journey, a scattering of their ashes followed by a Celebration of Life will take place at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m..