Notice of Abandoned Property NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned will sell at public sale by Competitive bidding on the August 29th, 2017 at 10:00 am at HAWAII SELF STORAGE, 2909 Waialae Ave. Honolulu, HI 96826. Sale proceeds will be used to offset unpaid rent, storage fees and costs of sale. Registration will be at 9am. The following is a brief description of property that may be sold: B007V Yamagami, Naoki: Golf bags, tools, shelves, chair, clothes, Japanese items; B097F Anderson, Joe: Cooker, Guitar, boxes, bins, bags; B119V Sarmiento, Kawika: Suitcase, clothes, back pack, boxes; B124F Hultsman, Sylvia: Hats, clothes, misc items; B194F DeLeon, Jesse: Tools, boxes/bins, TV; 2110 Fortin, Kristyn: Bags, clothes, boxes/bins; 2131 Lipsey, Ronald: Bins/box,tools, floor tiles, hand truck, ladder, kitchen, bags, clothes; 3301F Proenca, Eve; Luggage, boxes; 3340A Dacanay, Jeremy; Futon bed, microwave, table; 4387 Goodness, James: Industrial fan, shelving, furniture; boxes, tools, electronics, etc All purchased items are SOLD AS IS. Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. (SA1017623 8/15, 8/22/17)