NOTICE OF LIEN SALE STORQUEST SELF STORAGE StorQuest Self Storage will sell at public sale by Competitive bidding the personal property of: Waipahu-Farrington 94-299 Farrington Hwy Waipahu James Jesse Perez $701.51, Constancia Agareo $609.53, Chris Reyher $ 420.98 & 423.74, Tyrone Sabado $345.10, James Moreno $ 165.18, Jovi V. Sildora $ 529.24 & 302.94 Edwin Montero $224.64 & Taylor Wagen $616.74. Kakaako-850 Kawaiahao St 4Th Floor Steven Mandawe $99.57 Kalihi- 750 Umi St. Clifford Bermudes $440.84, Santos Begonia JR $396.83, Christopher Halito $606.28, Leonard "Duke" Bee $444.32 Property to be sold: Misc., household goods, furniture, tools, clothes, boxes, toys and personal content. Sale will commence at 9:00 AM on August 25, 2017 until 5:00 PM on August 29, 2017 at Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Giovanna Millan, Alyson Goodness & Kanani Fox Property Managers. (SA1019229 8/11, 8/18/17)