KATHRYN TORIKO TSUSHIMA The Keller-Tsushima families mourn the loss at age 62, of Kathryn Toriko Tsushima, from respiratory failure following thoracic sarcoma surgery at UCSF Medical Center. She died on June 29, 2017. Born on September 27, 1954 in Columbus, GA to Robert and Jeanne Tsushima, Kathryn grew up in Honolulu, HI. She graduated from Maryknoll High School, BA (cum laude) from Santa Clara University, and a Masters in Special Education from San Francisco State University. She married Daniel Keller on August 18, 1978. She worked as a Special Education teacher, market researcher, and primarily as a passionate school librarian. Kathryn was an avid reader, traveler, volunteer and introduced many to mahjong. The family resides in San Mateo, CA. Kathryn is survived by husband Daniel, son Brian (Leslie Wan), grandchildren Liam and Kana, daughter Marisa (Paul Fikse), parents Bob and Jeanne, and brother Michael. A "Celebration of Life" was held on July 8, 2017 in San Mateo.